B2 Visa rejected at Mumbai Consulate

Tim Willis

Registered Users (C)
Folks, I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on this:

I am trying to bring my inlaws to the US to spend some time with us. Here is some background on them:

1. Father in law has a job, with Rs 10K monthly salary.
2. Father in law had worked in Saudi Arabia when he was young (15 years back).
3. Mother in law is an insurance agent.
4. They do not own a residence but have a decent bank balance with sufficient investment.

Their visa go rejected after the officer asked 3 questions to my father-in-law:
1. Why do you want to go to the US?
Answer: Tourism, meet daughter & son-in-law

2. How much is your montly salary?
Answer: 10K

3. Have you in the past travelled outside the US?
Answer: Yes to Saudi Arabia.

Decision: Your visa application has been rejected as you have not provided a good enough reason to go the US.

Doesent make much sense to me. They had all the supporting documents but the officer never bothered to look at them. From what my in-laws are telling me, there were multiple processing windows, and all applicants who were at 2 of the windows were getting rejected.

Guys, any opinions? suggestions?

Has the denial rate gone up lately at Mumbai??

1. Salary of 10K is very low and i am sure your father-in-law did not support it with any IT or TDS return.

2. Your father-in-law should not have disclosed that he ever worked in any gulf countries. They are always considered as positive immigrants. He should not have attached his old passport.

3. Your mother-in-law had more chances to get the visa, had she applied alone.

4. Not having a residence also reduce the chances of getting the visa. They should have atleast produced some documents for the property they own (that could be land at your native village)
What should be the next step

Alright, so it looks like my inlaws gave all the wrong answers (even though it was the truth and aside from the fact that they have no intention of permanantly moving to the US). So what do you folks think we should be doing now. If telling the truth and not hiding information is not working then lets try the other way, lying through the teeth and hiding facts.

My mother in law is planning on making a second attempt early next year. She will be going there alone this time. Are there any things that she should be careful of to avoid another rejection?

