B2 visa, reapplying in different consulate?


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One of my dad's friend is in Saudi Arabia and he had 5 yr visa previously but this time it was rejected. He is 60+ yrs old and his five got the visa but he didn't. They said that he has more ties with US (4 children) vs Saudi where he has no children. He has 2 daughters in his home country of Pakistan. They told him he could reapply from his own country but also got a letter saying that he should wait a year to reapply. Is that year pertaining to applying at the Saudi Consulate or applying from anywhere. He really needs to come here and is wondering what would be the best way to proceed.
Thanks for your help.
Regardless of where he re-applies, he still has to overcome the burden of proof of him not being an immigrant. Between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, he needs to pick the country where he can show more ties. Where does he work? Where does he have property? I doubt Saudi Arabia, since non Saudis cannot own property there. Apllying too soon will probably not work for him unless his circumstances drastically change.
ideally when should he reapply

He has more ties to Pakistan (property there) and 2 children there. One of the things they objected to in Saudi was non-ownership of property like you said. So could he try in a couple of months given that he has property in Pakistan?
Well then Pakistan it is. I would still advise him to wait 4-6 months, unless there is an emergent need to visit the US sooner.
Good luck to him!!!