[B]ATTN Rajiv Khanna and rest, Important : New UCIS profiles and privacy[/B]


Registered Users (C)
Has anyone really read the UCIS terms before signing up for the customer profile ? It appears that the UCIS will do anything it wants with the information you submit :
"if you communicate with us via email or otherwise provide information to us through this site, all information you provide to us is on a non-confidential or non-proprietary basis, without restrictions of any kind whatsoever, and all information may be disclosed, distributed, modified, reproduced and used by us in any manner we choose, without paying compensation to you. For example, and not by way of a limitation, if you submit information to us, you acknowledge that we may review it with any other governmental or non-governmental entity that we think might be helpful in our technical assessment. "

note "without restriction whatsoever" . Isn't anyone who signs up giving up total control of how the information is used. Perhaps the gov. may use this info for profiling individuals. Perhaps to share with other agencies. While it shouldn't be a concern for most of us if we are dealing with a truthful administration. The current administration is far from it. Any comments ? Perhaps Rajiv Khanna may be able to throw more light on this.
They have more info in their files than in this profile.
The only new thing they have is user id and password.
Will they share my user id and password with others????
But you do not sign away ...

.. you right to privacy as you do when you agree to the Terms and conditions on the user profile page. When you apply for the immigration benefits there's no such disclaimer and the gov. by default has to follow the usual privacy laws.
You only sign away your rights of privacy on the information that you send and receive, which is nothing but your user name and password as stated above.

I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you, and if you are worried about it then best thing to do is not register for the service.