AVM says "This case is approved on 7/6/01" - Big Surprise!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi Folks,

It is like another GRADUATION day when (many of us) felt so humble, in contrast to the feeling of having conquered the world upon entry!

Very glad to say that I\'ve almost but finished the race. If anything is stopping me from celebrating it wild; streaking was the most popular norm for my teen generation, alas, now I am too old for that !; is the fact that many in our community are still waiting for that moment of truth, including my spouse.

The AVM says, “ This case has been approved on 7/6/01, an approval letter is mailed…bula bula”. I guess I can take it as true, as my daughter also got approved. My spouse\'s AVM still parrots the same old message.

Mile stones of my case:

I-485 Approval: As per AVM 7/6/01

I-485 RD 6/15/00 & ND 6/28/00 - LIN-00-198-52xxx

FP: 4/10/01, NSC, EB2, India. NSC Tracker is updated!

I-140 approved 5/16/00, Labor cleared 11/99, SESA regular labor cleared 12/98

PD 12/97

Attempted GC in 95 and given up, but never regreted it, as I was asked to execute contract to work for employer one year post GC! GC norm was 1.5 to 2 years those days, literally a 3 year contract! Later I was given the free hand. May be they felt I am too good to pass up.

Search for the riches or knowledge,or the powerful flow of TIME ( or Manmohan singh?) lifted me off the shores of my mother land a decade back. After, of course, 10 long years of successful carrer in India.

Next Goal: RETIREMENT! Few months back a long time friend and college/class mate from microsoft called me and said they are going home (became citizens about an year back) for good. I couldn\'t help envy!

Loud thoughts: Give respect. Play fare. If anybody violates that (inluding INS and employer) don\'t take it lying down.


Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my planet awake.

Gitanjali, Tagore

Journey Home
The time that my journey takes is long and the way of it long.
I came out on the chariot of the first gleam of light, and pursued my voyage
through the wildernesses of worlds leaving my track on many a star and planet.
It is the most distant course that comes nearest to thyself,
and that training is the most intricate which leads to the utter simplicity of a tune.
The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own,
and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine at the end.
My eyes strayed far and wide before I shut them and said `Here art thou!\'
The question and the cry `Oh, where?\' melt into tears of a thousand streams and deluge the world with the flood of the assurance `I am!\'

Gitanjali, Tagore
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Congratulations, good things will hapen to good people. I wish you good luck in your future. Thanks for your good work on immitacker.com.
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Myladoor, congratulations to you. Most of us in this board (and immitracker) were eagerly waiting for your approval.

Hope your wife gets her approval soon.

Enjoy the weekend and the future.
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Congrats Myladoor. It appears that you came here in 1992 or so.
Same thing with me. I came here in 1993. But, applied
for GC only in 1997 and still waiting.

Its exhilarating to see the happy ending for you.
You did a great job of Immitracker.
Before one asks what society did for him/her, he/she should
ask himself/herself what he/she did for society.
In that sense, you are a Diamond.
Good Luck and God is with you.
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Congratulations Myladoor!! I hope that unlike others, you will continue to render your services for the immigrant community where many of us feel helpless, frustrated and vulnerable until a residency status is acquired!!

Good luck!
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Congratulations, Myladoor. What a news!
Please dont forget to update the immitracker.com ,,,, Heh, heh.
All the best ****** longdrive2
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Congratulations. I know how you feel. We are going to miss you at this board. You have been very patient, prompt & accurate with your replies. Good luck in the US
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Congratulations Myladoor. Enjoy Your Freedom and Thanks for your
great contribution to this community.
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Congratulations myladoor. Thanks for your hard work on the immitracker. Here is wishing you and your family all the best in life ... enjoy!

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Congratulations Buddy! What a good news for my ears!

I have been waiting to hear this good news more than you, believe me since I saw NSC started approving June \'00 RD cases. You have deserve the approval more than any one else on this board.

You have been doing a wonderful, unselfish and dedicated hard work for immigration community for over a year. Thanks for everything you have done and great respects from me as well as the whole immigration community. We owe you a lot.

I believe you would continue your tracker site even after your approval with the same interest. I would like to help you in anyways if I can!

Finally I have one more request, Can you think of having ads on tracker site so that it can self supported? I know you have a great ambition that you want to serve the people who are sailing in the same as you without expecting anything back from them! But it would serve long-term goals.

Wish you Good Luck in your future life!
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Congrats! It has finally happened. Wonderful to hear the good news. Your contribution to this community has been immense. I revere you. It has been a great pleasure to know someone like you who wholeheartedly spent his personal time to help a community. You deserve a big applause. Hats off to you.

Enjoy and Celebrate!
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Congratulations... have been a some what silent participant
in the forum for a while, and I have to say your contributions to
the forum are commendable!!! Good Luck, and have fun with
the FREEDOM!!!