AVM says "Green card processing has been completed"

Actual AVM message-- regarding status of I485

AVM says the following verbatim ;
Processing for your alien registration card or green card has been completed. your INS document will be mailed to you when its completed.

Anyone with RD around Sept 20th should check their case statuses to
find out if they are hearing a similar message.
YRATHI .. I did a search in yahoo for

"alien registration card or green card has been completed".
Got a somewhat OK match at

Here are the details posted at the site by userid vdutt on 10/13/00 : -

My passport was stamped in late June and I am still waiting (San Jose INS). I think there are people waiting since early June who have not received their cards yet. I guess CSC is the worst and having waited for years for this stage, we will have to suffer a little more till its all over ...

My message at the 949 831 8427 changed from "your case has been approved ... " to "processing for your alien registration card has been completed ..." in second week of July. Suddenly last week it again reverted back to "you case as approved on June 21st, if its more than 14 days since approval ... contact INS blah bah ...". Then today it misteriously changed back to "processing for alien registation card is complete. You card will be mailed as soon as processing is complete". I don\'t know if it means anything.
wait and watch

 Even though the message is similar, My case was never approved before. So I really dont know what the message means. The only
thing I can guess is : INS might have changed some of its messages
for further clarification (or confusion).

Will let u all know if anything changes on the AVM.

Criticizing all the postings here on this board is not taking us anywhere. By doing so, it only hurts the spirit of a individual to post any further information and I request all to abstain from doing so

Just my 2 cents thought

Message on AVM

My RD is 09/24. No change on AVM. "We received the results of your FP on .. blah blah....". Please keep the board updated on your status.
Good luck !!
I think INS likes you and wanted to give you a gift : ) ....

I heard that INS will chooose 1 in 100000000 and give a gift ... - just kidding ..
Talked to IIO today

Called up the IIO today. She said :
 My case is still pending. THE AVM might have given wrong message.

So mystery solved......
Here is a conjecture on this - they now have a new message when processing is complete, but new secu
