AVM says Green card had been ordered when am I likey to get my physical green card?

Geetha Raman

New Member
I checked the AVM. It says all your processing is complete and the green card has been orederd on Nov 21st. Kind of wondering how long does it take to get the card? Also my spouse case is not updated. It remains the same (This case has been approved blah ...) Is this any concern?
Geetha can you post details

It helps people the same way it helps you when people give out detailed information
Period from card ordered to card received

I believe that it takes 30-60 days, but closer to 30 days.

Most people seem to be receiving their cards just less than 1 month after the message changed to \'card ordered\'. The Christmas mailing period may well cause a bit of a delay though.

Congreatulations and good luck,


No Title

Here are my details.
Center : CSA
GC Approval : July 26th
GC stamping : July 30th

If you need any other details let me know.

Once again should there be any concern on my spouse\'s case as the message is still the same? (This case has been approved ... If it takes more than 14 business days ... )

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In CA, it maybe need 12 months or more than 12 months. One of my friend had the PP stamped in last year, nothing happened to him, so he need to re-stamp his PP.
In TSC, it need about one month or less. I got my GC one month and 10 days after I had my PP stamped in Miami, FL.
Good luck.
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I got my card last week. It took approx one and half month from the date of message (Your green card had been ordered on Nov...). However my spouse status is still the same. It is the same message when your I485 is approved. It has not changed. Should I be concerned or should I wait for some more time?
The message in my case says: "The process is completed. We\'ll send your card as soon it will b

The message in my case says: "The process is completed. We\'ll send your card as soon it will be ready". Does this mean that my card has been ordered? PP stamped 24 Sep, 2001 at CSC, San Jose
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A friend\'s situation is same as yours. He got his card from CSC in 4 months after approval but his wife\'s message was still the same. Recently it changed to something like " preliminiary processing is complete. your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready....". This friend has been faxing INS an inqury (form xxxx) every week but has not got any reply as yet.
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Hello All,

Here is our family\'s cards details :
   Processing Center : VSC
   RD : Aug 25,1999
   AD : July 27, 2001
   Stamped at ( Family of 4): San Jose, on Aug 13, 2001
   Younger son\'s Card received on : Sep 18 2001
   Other members(3) Card ordered on ( as per AVM): Nov 14, 2001
                         Received on : Dec 7, 2001.

   Hope this will help you to estimate the time frame as well as understand how the system works. I will happy to share if you need any more info.
    Wish you all good luck