AVM problem in vsc


Registered Users (C)
I just call vsc AVM to check my case status. AVM always considered first three number as "322" instead of "EAC", so it replied "case # 322-02-xxx-xxxxx can not be found"
Just called, had no problem.
Except for the frustration of listening to the same old "on May 6, 2002 the result..."
Try again friend.
Originally posted by Dear_Frank
I just call vsc AVM to check my case status. AVM always considered first three number as "322" instead of "EAC", so it replied "case # 322-02-xxx-xxxxx can not be found"

By any chance r u using rotary ph :D
And if you are using a calling card.... The digits u pres don't translate. I had similar problem.

Try calling directly without the calling card.

Good luck