AVM Message changed on my I-485 case

AVM Change

I guess they entered a whole bunch of data on their system on Nov. 16th. It was strange to hear the usual 975 day message being replaced with "Your fingerprints were collected on Nov 16th and are pending review".

I don\'t think that this means that the approval date is any sooner. Obviously the activity to watch is to see if approvals start coming for May NDs. (or RD > 4/15 as many scrutinizers have already posted)
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Do not follow the links given in his message. It sounds like his only purpose on the board is to sabotage others. Perhaps, MCC wants to spread deadly bugs.
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MCC --> Please move your butt out of this forum

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Simple go man
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i do not think that anyone who has AVM update after FP has got approval
 including Bongo whose AVM was updated about a month back. so this does
 not give any idea. one thing for sure that INS works in batch mode.
 They updated FP on 11/16 for a large range of FP date.
 let us hope they approve it soon in the same way
Jony lever, you are perhaps right

INS seems to have done some kind of "Batch" update. It looks like they have a few upgrades done to their systems with new finger print generation program (that prints multiple notices for the same appointment date).

I think that there is no need to get real excited about the AVM message change. We all know that they are not 100% reliable. I have known of people getting approvals despite the AVM message repeating the same old message.

Sooner or later we will all get dispositions (or shall say adjudication) on our cases. Processing of cases seems to follow some random patterns, or we wouldn\'t see disparities between cases.

But, it is always good to know that something has changed (or moved)on our cases. Hence, I still think that the AVM message change is meaningful information.

Good luck to all.
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The AVM message for FP collected and pending review is for
finger print clearance. "Agency Check" is done after FP clearance.

next time you guys talk to an IIO ask if the agency check is
complete. Once the agency check is complete the file goes from
"file room" (where files that had FP check complete goes to),
to another place where adjudicators pick up the files from.

This process was told to me by my lawyer and was confirmed by
an IIO when I talked to him last week. According to this IIO,
the sequence in which Agency checks are complete is the order
in which the case gets assigned to an officer. At least this
IIO was honest and said that the process is not perfect and it
works sooner or later!

As far as my case is concered,
FP done on 8/1.
Agency check completed on 10/18
picked up by an officer on 11/7.
Question for you CA Waiter

Is the "agency check" that you are referring to FBI checking on the criminal records? I presume that the "agency" in your posting is synonymous with FBI.

Therefore, "Pending Clearance..." merely means that the Finger Print results were sent by the ASC to INS & FBI. The next step in the process is for FBI to run criminal background check on each case and provide "Clearance" to the INS. Thats when the case actually goes to the shelf to be assigned to an INS officer.

I am just trying to understand and eloborate your comments. Please clarify.
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agency being FBI would be my guess too!!
lawyer used "FBI agency check" to describe this,
IIO said agency checks
No Title

i think he means ASC -->FBI-->INS and then is when message is updated.
 this means FP quality can be good or bad and INS has not yet looked at it, it seems.
 can someone , pls post this step by step, who knows what exactly happens after FP
 CA 485waiter, can you make it step by step. thanks
One more question, CA Waiter

You mentioned that your lawyer and IIO you spoke with both said that after the finger print is collected, the case is picked up by an officer and then sent for "agency check". What is the sequence of events?

   FP Done->FP Collected->Case Picked by IIO->FBI Clears->AP/RFE

Or is it:

   FP Done->FP Collected->FBI Clears->Case Picked by IIO->AP/RFE
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Message change

It says Nov16 my FP results were received and pending review.
I think there was batch process which has sent many FPs on nov 16th.

FP : 11/07
ND : 08/27

Good Luck.
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ok lets see:
1. INS FP system issues FP notice
2. FBI clears FP and INS receives it
2a. INS officer requests Agency check if FP good.
3. INS receives agency(FBI) report
4. file goes to shelf where officer picks it from
5. officer either approves/RFE
Revised steps

And I would edit step 2., 2a. and 3. as below:

2. If FP is good, FBI clears it and sends report to INS. If FP is not good, FBI rejects it and INS reschedules FP. Back to step 1.
3. INS officer requests Agency checks (CIA, DOS). (FBI is already done.)
3a. If no negative response from CIA and DOS within a set time, continue.

The max time to wait is 60 days, but the officer can move forward earlier if s/he judges so.

so we have:

1. INS FP system issues FP notice.
2. Applicants do FP.
3. If FP is good, FBI clears it and sends report to INS. If FP is not good, FBI rejects it and INS reschedules FP. Back to step 2.
4. INS officer requests agency checks (CIA, DOS). (FBI is already done.)
5. File goes to shelf from where officer picks it up later.
6. If no negative response from CIA and DOS within a set time (max 60 days), continue normal processing.
7. Officer either approves, RFEs or issues intend to deny.

Even my case was updated with new message , just wanted to share

It applies to my wife as well. I went to FP exactly two weeks back.Lets see how it goes ...