AVM message change from "Pending Review" to "Processing Resumed"


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AVM message change from "Pending Review" to "Processing Resumed"

Hi all,

I did notice that the AVM message on my I-485 case changed on 12/26/01 to something like, "On December 26, 2001 we received the results of your finger prints review and the processing has resumed on your I-485 case...".

Earlier the message was, "On November 16, 2001 the finger prints for your I-485 case were collected and are pending review...".

I feel that these two messages clearly indicate 2 different events in my case. The first one being the collection of finger prints from the ASC, and the second one being the COMPLETION of the review of finger prints. I know that some of you only heard the second message and not the first one, while some heard only the first message. But, to me it makes more sense to believe that my case has now progressed a bit further with FP review completed.

FP Scheduled & Done: 11/02/2001
FP Collected Message: 11/16/2001
FP Review Completed Message: 12/26/2001
AD : ?????

No reason to get real excited now, but I thought that I must share it with you all. Perhaps, some of you might have observed the AVM message change on your cases too.

Good luck
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Yes, pls search first before you post a message about the same issue.

Pump: Twin cases again this time :) However mine "process resumed" message came out 3 days later than yours.
I also got the same message

On December 29, 2001 we received the results of your finger prints review and the processing has resumed on your I-485 case...".

Earlier the message was, "On October 12 16, 2001 the finger prints for your I-485 case were collected and are pending review...".

I think you will hear in 3 weeks the results.