AVM is not changing after FP > 4 months


Registered Users (C)
Should I call BCIS?? or send FAX enquiry...I am AC21 case so just dont want to mess with BCIS

any suggestion


On May 15, 2003, we mailed a notice requesting that you appear for fingerprint recording. The notice also gave the times and location where this processing could be done. If 14 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283.
Same problem

After our FP, the online status changed for me but for my wifes it is still the same...
" On May xx, xxxx, we mailed a notice requesting that you appear for ......"

I called bcis 800 number.. and they had no idea and told me not to worry about it.... Did not try faxing though...

note: Checked with FBI and was told that the fp results was sent the very same day we took it......

- Shazam

could you tell me the fax number? I cannot find it on website.
Thank you in advance.

Good luck.