Avm changed after FP at newark on 27 march


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after my FP on Mar 27 my avm message changed to process resumed yesterday.
My fp is computer based.my wife is manual.her messsage is not changed.may be it may take 4 more days.
this is just for your info
Zambia - It was cool deal.

Our FP was scheduled on 29th March at 9:00 AM, I drove to Newark NJ, roads 287 S & NJ TPK were empty as it was Good Friday. It took us 35 mts to reach and park. Lots of paid parking available near by...we were at the door at 8:25 a.m. the lady wont let us in but after 10 mts she let us in. We had to fill a form and stand in a queue, then they verified our FP Notice and picture id card (any one of EAD/PP/License) and also glanced @ our hands before giving the token. Got to wait again for 20 mts. Once your # is called you go for FP and its 3-5 mts deal if it is computerized. For my wife it was Manual. Manual takes more time. We were out by 10 a.m.

What I observed is that mostly they do manual FP for women, if the manual line is full then they do Computerized. Good luck buddy. Just be in time and see that your hands don’t have any color or cuts.
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Does the AVM change so soon that after 3 business days of FP the message has changed to processing resumed.
Please confirm.
I did my FP on 3/26. AVM changed on 4/1 with

FP recvd on 3/29 and processing resumed.
saisadhana, sorry to burst the bubble

For your wife if she did Manual FP, her results could
take 2 weeks to 3 months to get updated with INS... I wish you
will get it in 2 weeks.