AVM cannot find WAC number


Registered Users (C)

AVM says it cannot find my spouse\'s WAC number for 485 (AP and EAD are found). I have the receipt notice and I am entering the number correctly(verified 3-4 times). Did anyone else face this problem? What should I do?
Doe it mean something went wrong?

What can the lawyer do about it? He may just say that the AVM has a glitch in it.
did you get your receipts recently?

if so then don\'t worry, it may be because AVM is not updated, try it after a week or so
Thanks Madha

Yes, I did receive them recently. It seems strange that the AP and EAD are there, but 485 isn\'t. I\'ll try again after a week like you suggested.
I had heard this on ciba\'s website

Some applicants had faced this problem. But, miraculously the AVM came back after couple of weeks.
