AVM after stamping


Registered Users (C)
Hi, I got approved in March and stamped on 3rd April. Currently my AVM message says "Processing for your green card has been completed and your document will be mailed to you as soon as it becomes available". For my wife though the message says "On June 25th after approving we ordered a new card for you. You will receive this card when it is avaiable. The processing time is some 900+ days etc" Does anybody know the meaning of these messages and the difference between the two ? thanks a lot.
Same message for me and my wife

"Processig for your ..."
Have not heard the second message (your wife AVM). Your wife should expect her actual GC very soon, I believe.

Do you know whey you message was changed since you did PP stamp? Mine is amost three week later after we did our PP stamp.
When the message changes to card ordered

it means you\'ll get the card in approximately one week, it pretty much means the production date for the card, the week is for the envelope to make it out of the production facility and arrive by snail mail to your hands.