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Automatic Social Security Number processing

John Locke

Registered Users (C)
Can anyone share their experience of getting USCIS/Dept of State to order your SSN automatically when you enter the US with a Diversity Visa?

My GC came a couple weeks ago but I am yet to receive my SSN and it's really frustrating because if I'd just gone to a social security office I would've had it weeks ago. Doesn't it usually come at the same time as the green card? Or do most people just order it on their own?
Can anyone share their experience of getting USCIS/Dept of State to order your SSN automatically when you enter the US with a Diversity Visa?

My GC came a couple weeks ago but I am yet to receive my SSN and it's really frustrating because if I'd just gone to a social security office I would've had it weeks ago. Doesn't it usually come at the same time as the green card? Or do most people just order it on their own?

you have to go and bother them all the time for SSN
they might tell you that the number is coming automatically but thats a lie ..you have to take care of that ..and it will take more then few visits to SSN office
whole system of SSN is pretty messy -your SSN might not even work at all or might be a match with someones number (I knew lots of people with problems like that ) so be extra careful with that
Can anyone share their experience of getting USCIS/Dept of State to order your SSN automatically when you enter the US with a Diversity Visa?

I received my SSN card less than three weeks after entering the US, without any action or request from my side. The plastic green card took two months.
I wonder if the difference in treatment (some people automatically receive their SSN, others do not) is depending on the port of entry? My port of entry was Dallas.
I wonder if the difference in treatment (some people automatically receive their SSN, others do not) is depending on the port of entry? My port of entry was Dallas.
no man ..problem is that nobody knows what the deal is with SSN and GC - its chaos
your SSN might not even work for couple of months or could be also a duplicate SSN of somebodys else number
my experience with ssn office yesterday

I just entered San francisco last weekend. I went to Social security Office yesterday and ask for it. The officer said that i have to wait for 3 weeks cause they have already processed it (automatically). If i will not receive within 3 weeks, she said i should come back.

Is it possible to get a duplicate number ? How will we know ?
I just entered San francisco last weekend. I went to Social security Office yesterday and ask for it. The officer said that i have to wait for 3 weeks cause they have already processed it (automatically). If i will not receive within 3 weeks, she said i should come back.

Is it possible to get a duplicate number ? How will we know ?

Well, good luck with that. I had to go to the Social Security office in Brooklyn NY and wait in line with smackheads and other immigrants. I asked the official who ordered my number to make sure I wouldn't be issued a duplicate. She just stopped typing, stared at me for 3 seconds, and then looked back at her screen and started typing again. The SSN came in the mail a week later. Got to love this country. I guess you have to take their advice but it's difficult to live without the number. I couldn't get a bank account or a cell phone for over a month.
Well, good luck with that. I had to go to the Social Security office in Brooklyn NY and wait in line with smackheads and other immigrants. I asked the official who ordered my number to make sure I wouldn't be issued a duplicate. She just stopped typing, stared at me for 3 seconds, and then looked back at her screen and started typing again. The SSN came in the mail a week later. Got to love this country. I guess you have to take their advice but it's difficult to live without the number. I couldn't get a bank account or a cell phone for over a month.

So what is your advice?
In the DS-230 is it better to answer the question no. 43a with no!
Do you want the social security administration to assign you a SSN and issue a card?
So what is your advice?
In the DS-230 is it better to answer the question no. 43a with no!
Do you want the social security administration to assign you a SSN and issue a card?

I would definitely select NO. It is very easy to apply for a number once you've landed in the U.S. and they are quick to send the number. From this forum, it seems like it's totally arbitrary whether they will process you automatically at the border or not, so why bother? I'm not the first person this has happened to, and I think I remember looking at the forums around July last year when I was sending my forms off and people were complaining about it then as well.

https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp - really easy to find an office to visit or send mail to once you've crossed the border.
i hav a problem....during my second letter form i wrote the adderss of californina now i'm staying here in texas now where is my green card available....i've submit the pacakge given by embassy here in dallus airport...