AUGUST - Visa revalidation tracking

New Member !

My SL Recieved Date is August 19th,2003.

I am still not sure when i would recieve my passport. I am leaving to India on December 2nd. Till which date can i wait for my passport.

If i need to Withdraw when i should send the fax. Can anybody please tell me whatz the fax number to withdraw. How long does it take to recieve my withdrawl??

Hi jonty7278,

call the DC office and find what is your DC date is. if its DC date is in and around September 15th u do have bright change of getting your visa stamped

check the following link to get information about withdrawal of the application, you will get an idea

My D.C. Date / SL Date: Aug 19th!


Today i just called the Visa Office. The lady was very kind, she told that my passport was recieved on D.C. on September 8th,2003. She also told that it takes 10-12 weeks for revalidatin once its recieved in D.C..

SL : Aug 19th, DC: Sep 8th

Updated Dates !

Updated : Called DC Office Today @ 9:30AM EST.

jmxu --------------SL Date: 1-Aug ------------DC Date: 29-Aug
joe_parth --------SL Date: 4-Aug ------------Dc Date: 2-Sep
RamFan -----------SL Date: 4-Aug ------------DC Date: 2-Sep
mrm1989 ---------SL Date: 5-Aug ------------DC Date: 28-Aug
srivum ------------SL Date: 6-Aug
ss9 ----------------SL Date: 6-Aug
nagavijay --------SL Date: 6-Aug
jerryseinfield ----SL Date: 8-Aug ------------DC Date: 28-Aug
immidude74 -----SL Date: 8-Aug ------------DC Date: no clue!!
njqwe -------------SL Date: 12-Aug
krr72 --------------SL Date:12-Aug -----------DC Date:2-Sept
Jharkhandi -------SL Date : 12 Aug ----------DC Date : 5 - Sep
Vallabhu ----------SL Date : 12 Aug ----------DC Date : 8 - Sep
pan1975 ----------SL Date: 14-Aug -----------DC Date: 16-Sep
dle ---------------SL Date: 17 Aug
sunil_green ------SL Date: 18-Aug
petelt -------------SL Date: 18-Aug
skali ---------------SL Date: 18-Aug -----------DC Date: 9-Sep
jonty7278---------SL Date: 19-Aug----------- DC Date: 8-Sep
narendrakharya -SL Date: 19-Aug
kr2002 ------------SL Date: 23-Aug-----------DC Date: 29-Sep
svontel ------------SL Date: 26-Aug ----------DC Date: 29-Sep
sselva69 ----------SL Date: 28-Aug
Myohorengekyo--SL Daet: 28-Aug ----------DC Date: 11-Sep
Called DC office yesterday


I called DC office of the state dept. yesterday to verify status of my H-1 & H4 visa revalidation applications (Saint Louis date: 08/04/03 & DC date: 09/02/03). I was told that currently they are processing applications received during 3rd week of August. It will be another 2 weeks before I should expect them to get to my case.



I'm new member, here is my info:

SL Date:11-AUG-2003.
DC Date:05-SEP-2003.
PP REC : ??

Ihave my travel date on 25-NOV-2003.requesting some feed back
from the members when i should withdraw??

your feedback is greatly appreciated.
also from JULY track guys already got there PP's whose DC date is 25,26 AUG.

What does this mean?

SL date : July 25 '03
DC date : Aug 29

Called up today. just now. the lady answers " i am not sure how long this will take, but for some reason the visa is not issued". I wanted to ask her whether it was not issued because my date is not still close to other approval dates or something wrong with my case alone. She did not divulge with any further info. wasted nearly 52 min of my time :-((((

Does this mean something not i dont want to hear :mad: OR still my case has not been taken up for stamping process??????

I have heard few guys getting their passports back without Visa stamping. But that is due to the in-complete or incorrect information filled in the form. Maybe they will send you the papers back for some correction or additional information required.
I have not heard anyone's visa being 'rejected'.
So relax and wait for your papers and please update everyone in this forum what it was. In the meantime lets see if any of our forum freinds have experienced similar situation.
Wishing you good luck.

They are processing last wek of August. Have patience. It won't take long - maybe one week that is all.
Strange Answer

I called just now to check for my status and a lady told me that they do not provide status for re-validation on the phone! Huh?
Aug 27 DC date Picked up Fedex!!

I just saw this message from one of ur folks, he had his PP picked up today Nov 3rd at 3.30 PM EST. His DC date was 27th Aug.

So u & Jerryseinfield(Aug28th DC date) should be the next 1 to get, so don't ya worry.

Let's know if u have any updates.

Jerryseinfield can u pls update ur case too. We wud welcome any feedback.

You should not ask straight questions.

Part of conversation, as much as I can recall:


Me: How is it possible that you are processing Sept First week case and August ones are still waiting?

She: Who told you so?

Me: I guess I saw it on web-site.

She: It is not possible. We are processing last week of August. :D Now don't tell me that you saw Nov by any chance (mockingly laughs)... Can I have your passport number please...

Me: I do not think it will matter really then, if you are just going to tell me my DC date. I think I should call you after a week or two... appreciate your help. :D


She will otherwise never let you know dates correctly. She will give arbitrary dates, but sometimes dates are closer to the one they have dispatched rather then processing.
I just called DC office, and the lady didn't tell DC arrival date of my application. She did not know much, I guess. She just indicated that my visa was not yet issued and to her understanding they were processing first week of August cases. My SL date is Aug. 12, and my travel date is Nov. 26. I dont know what to do. May be I should call them again, and speak to another visa officer.

I am surprised. Are you sure about your DC date? People with later DC dates have got their passport back.

Double check with DC.
Oops my fault I thought it is DC date. Yeah I would suggest find your DC date at the earliest and then maybe you can decide.

I guess it(DC date) should be around first week of Sept 2003.
Ok, thanks!!
But, are they really processing August last week cases? If true, they may start working on my case very soon.

What do you suggest, should I call them again, and ask about my DC date?
Yes you should call them again. But I doubt if you will get your passport within time.

I would say you can get it as early as next week or as late as week ending Nov 22nd, 2003.
August Visa revalidation

Posted on: 11/04/03
StLouis receipt date: 8/25/03
Washigton receipt date: 9/26/03
