August case Approved! Early FP helps!!!!!


rd = receipt date
nd = notice date

when csc receives cases it just date stamps the envelope to ensure that time and date of receipt is recorded.

After that they process the papers and data entry is done. Because of many reasons the case processing may or may not get delayed due to many glitches in the system and manpower etc etc.

Then they print notices - The nd notice date is the date on which notice is printed and the wac-01-270 for example is the 270 working date starting from October 1 2000. The Immigration year starts from October 1 2001 and not from Jan 1 2001 (calendar year) or April 1 2001 (financial year start)

Logically speaking the wac number should progress sequentially but it does not. wac-01-270 may be assigned to multiple rd\'s. This is why many people were surprised that august rd was assigned wac-01-26* or wac-01-27* series.

Hope this helps.
kotag kris, I am not against you.

what I want to point out is that:

a) I see very little reason why people will post fake message on this board. This is not the board for the stock market, it is for immigration.

b) To me, there is no true or false, right or wrong. When one says this is right, other might say it is wrong. But there are things that make sense, and things that don\'t. This is just my personal opinion.

c) Most of the time, I believe in possibility and statistics. I also believe miracle.

Hope the miracle happens to you too. Good luck!
(There can be miracle when you believe.)

It look like days of fake postings is over!

Szhou, hearty congratulations to you. It is really great news that you got your approval so soon.

There indeeed was a time when some people used fake ids (with special embedded characters) to fool nice folks on this board. I believe those postings were disruptive in nature and were created by frustrated people (who probably were on the verge of getting laid off). It is interesting to note that with approvals on way for certain individuals, the crazy postings have stopped.
270 not sounds like working day

I saw that mine is 286 but the people with same ND with 284. And people with different ND with 286. I alos saw that different RD with same number or same RD with different number. Any one has ideal what this number mean?



Here is my 2c worth about your data that may look a bit different to most of us on this board.

1. FIrst, (I am not pointing to any one in particular but..) guys it may not be wise to blame every time if we suspect that the data is improper. There could be so many reasons behind it, which we may not understand it at that point of time. Especially note that we are dealing with INS here. The member may be providing proper data but w.r.t. approvals there may not be good convincing logic behind it. Also note that we don\'t have even 1% total cases CSC is processing!

2. As (along with rsrgc) couple of others suggested in current case RD and ND look normal to me! Note that there are couple of other similar cases. Around the same time CSC was speeding their processing of issuing receipts and in several cases they gave proper ND but much later RD! I remember several people complaining about this in July/August thread(s). Take my case as example my RD is 06/28 and ND is 09/24 (My receipts got delayed by minimum one month, I have to do several fax enquiries, IIO calls to get them).

3. There is another very important thing to note in current case! Based on this case I am guessing that INS actually following ND instead of RD while assigning cases. If it is true then right now they are into August cases. As I wrote earlier in my case they followed ND to approve my AP, EAD. But FPs came based on RD though, so I was hoping that I will get AOS also based on RD.

4. In the past when there is only couple of days difference between RD and ND it didn\'t matter much if INS followed RD or ND. But now since there is couple of months difference between these dates and in some cases (for e.g. current case and mine) there is some descripency it is making lot of difference. But by closely observing these special cases I guess we can establish the trend.

5. Based on this case, and what happened to my case so far, I am jumping the ship and assuming that INS follows ND instead of RD for AOS.

If many agree with this then probably I should make some changes to our summary lists and sort them based on ND.

- PCee
PCee - Agree with U 100%...

I also felt this way when I first saw your summary lists. It still does not make sense to me how INS can process based on RD coz if an application is received on Date1 and notified on Date2, the application in question will not be touched until Date2 during initial processing. I guess all the applications will be sitting in somekind of a FRONTLOG room if you will, until the actual Notice Date(Date2). I for one would Vote you sorting the data by ND. Thanks for the great service you are rendering.

Congratulations...You are indeed a lucky guy.....
Enjoy your freedom!!!!
