Aug2001 RD Rec RFE Nov2002


Registered Users (C)
My case has been pending for so long that i dont know what is going on.

RD: Aug 2001
RFE rec by INS Nov2002

From there no change.
Can anyone tell me if the INS is issuing or Just keeping them Pending.


My case was similar to yours, Aug RD and Dec 02 RFE. I called IIOs couple of times and asked them if they can send a 'CC Request' to adjusting officer for a reminder. And within 1-2 weeks my case was approved.

Good Luck!!
Hi Girish, can you share with us what 'cc request' means? Is this a commonly used term by IIO's? I am asking bcos if I ask the IIO to send a CC request and he/she asks me its not possible or they don't do it, what should be my response.
Thanks for taking time to answer questions even after detting approved.

Following is my conversation with IIO


Girish: My name is xxxx and I would like to find out the status of my I485 application, and I will appreciate any help in this.

IIO: What is your LIN Number

Girish: LIN-01267-5xxxx

IIO: Your case is pending

Girish: Can you tell me that is it assigned to a officer?

IIO: Yes, It was reassigned to the office on Dec 27th

Girish: When I checked my status on the web site it said this case may take 450-480 days, but it's more than 580 days now. Is there any way that you can send a message to the adjusting officer and request the status?

IIO: I will send a 'CC Note' to the officer to find out some more details.

Girish: Thank you very much


So, my feeling is 'CC Note' may be a part of their Customer Management software, and most of the IIOs use it frequently.

Again, my personal experiance is the IIOs may forget about your cases, and you have to send them some reminder which will help your case. And the only way to send a quich reminder is the 'CC Note' (as described by the IIOs in the above conversation).

Good Luck!!!