Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,(<LIN01-046),Non-RFE waiting cases

Perfect Example!

See the guy named "NSCapproved" in the thread "My ND is 11/2000 and I am still waiting. Why?"? He had a very positive experience with congressman! He alse provided a very good link:
Thanks, NSCapproved!
Check out what he did and learn from him. We shall all take action.
talk to IIO again this early morning

Asked her the same old question. She said she had no idea why they were processing out of order. And told me that my case moved to another area on Jan13, that was a good sign and wait 30 more days to see what would come out. Well, hope everything is really moving. Hope and disappointment and hope and disappointment and hope and ...
All of you here, post your EB?. Want to see if any pattern in delayed cases.

My case: India, EB3, PD 2/12/1997, RD 12/19/2000
I140 approved for CP and case is in Chennai now.
Some people said, NSC will ask the Chennai to send the
case file back to Lincoln for processing.
Usually that delays a case for 2-4 months.
Same as you all

I spoke to an IIO on Jan 25th and he told me that my case has moved to the main distribution center and will be assigned to an officer within 2 weeks. What does that mean?. Has anybody got the same response from an IIO?. He also apologized and he said he realises there was a delay in my case, not a single IIO agreed like this!!.
My case details:
Receipt date - Sep 05th 2000
Notice Date - Sep 21st 2000
FP - Feb 28th 2001

Please update.


ARN123, hope this time it is for real that they discovered our files in the dumpster and drawed them to a spot where can attract more attention.
Still wonder why they can\'t ask some officers to stop processing April/May cases and place our files on their desks. Keep posting any new development, thanks.
Something interesting.... Any Comments will be appreciated


I know how the INS works. I have worked in sort of similar agencies (State Office) in many states through out this country as a highly paid contractor. The working crew in such environment are totally dumb. Most of them are hardly HS Graduates. All they do is come at 8 and leave at 4 or in at 7 out at 3. Sometimes, they disappear in the pm. Who cares... I used to do the same thing. Nope, actually I was lot better than those folks. I was doing terrific on-line trading, you know what I mean, buy and sell, buy and sell, looting Napster etc... rather than coding. They think that they are under paid, and feel his/her boss can\'t fire. So why do your crappy AOS. Anyway, they get paid and don\'t get paid overtime. Why in the earth should they process your case. You know what I am talkin\'.

What kinda work you can expect?

Please Note: My files are also stuck in their trash.

I got approval notice in mail today

RD 12/06/2000
ND 12/14/2000
FP 03/28/2001
AD 01/24/2002 (as per receipt)

Sep ND case. RFE raised on 1/29/02

My Case details:
EB2 India RIR
I140 - CSC
I485 - NSC
RD: 08/14/00
ND: 09/01/00
No RFE\'s till 1/29.

I checked AVM today and found out that a RFE was raised for my spouse (dependant applicant) on Jan 29. Good to know that atleast the case was picked up for processing. My status still says pending...

Don\'t know if I shall extend my congratulation to you. Although it needs some extra work, it is still good news. Your case have been taken and you will soon be approved. Good luck!
stole a piece of good news from other thread

that\'s a good one!
4. i484 approved
Posted By: seshagiri 1/31/02 6:09 PM
(#4 of 4) I got my approval today My details rd 10/16/00 nd 11/18/00 fp 04/17/01 lin 01-036-500xx case assigned on 01/29/02 approved 1/31/02 Thanks everybody

My wife\'s case # is LIN00-260-xxxxx and according to IIO and attorney, the case is not yet assigned. When I ask why? no one has an answer. When we talked to IIO on Dec. 16, she said that they were working on cases around that ND and she does not see any movement for the file for the last 3 months and she would put a request to Rapid Resolution Center or some kind of crap and asked us to call back after a month and mention her name. I don\'t know why we should mention her name as is she is the president of US and we are related. Any way INS NSC number is so busy that we could not talk to IIO after that. Finally contacted Congressman\'s office 2 days ago and haven\'t heard from his office yet. Lets see if they can do something.
No Title

I did check on my I140 Approval Notice, it says that the application was processed at the Department of State. Dont know if that is the regular way of doing things or not?

But I think we can confirm if everybody around that same time (sep 00 to NOV 00- 485s) have similarities to mine with ref to the I140 process.

Maybe we will c a pattern

Please check the Approval notice and not the receipt

Because my application was in NSC but somehow the approval was sent to NVC which processes consular applications.

I did call the NVC and they said my approval qwas sent to CHENNAI India Consulate for COnsular processing on July18 2000.

SO i found out, that this is the reason for delay. Now i dont even know what to do, have contacted the Attorney after 6 months now.
Still waiting
Reply from congressman\'s office

We got a call from congressman\'s office informing us that INS is dealing with June 2000 cases and we have to wait a couple of months. I just can\'t believe it, as of 12/30/2001, INS Nebraska was approving 1/10/2001 cases and we are seeing approvals from 3/2001 cases in this forum and when contacted, INS says they are working on 06/2000 cases.
We contacted senator\'s office also. Lets see what info. they would give us.