Aug ~ Dec 2000 RD applications


Registered Users (C)
I have seen quite a number of 2000 ND being approved and wondering there are still how many cases from Aug, sep, Oct, Nov 2000 RD.

Seemed to me that the INS were very anti-immigrants. The need to go to hell. The new law passed in 2000 only have a short effort to the their processing speed. The prcoesiing time is drag on and getting worst, they simply perform some show time by approving some latter cases and telling people that they did make some progress. But in fact is shit and leaving whole lot of older cases. When you called the IIO and asked why you case need much longer time as compared to other. They can simply tell you:

They were not aware of that or
The 330 ~ 360 days number is not true or alike.

Any comments?

MY LIN # 00-264, ND 09/21/00, STILL EAGERLY WAITING !!
Me too.

My ND also Aug 2000 and still waiting for approval. The way the INS process 485 cases is not correct.

Hello Guys,

My RD was Aug 30,ND Sept 18th,LIN#00-261-
Bothe me and my wife approved on DEC 18th..

I have been silent observer of this site.

Keep patience your time will come too..


Hello VRUNDA, COULD U PL POST YOUR DETAILS, LIKE EB, AND COUNTRY, I am from India, my lin # 00-264, ND 09/21/00 and very close to yours, just curious to know,


My case was taken by officer probably at the same time(Nov,14,2000)
though I\'m not sure. Two weeks ago, IIO told me that from the computer screen it could not be told when my case was taken. But
before, one IIO did say that the "taken" date is Nov,14,2000.

Normally after the case was with officer, one week for approval or
one month for RFE. I wonder what\'s going on with the cases? I haven\'t
got any update since then. I saw there was another case which was with officer since September and no update yet.

Please inform me of any update from your side. I\'ll do the same too.

RD,ND:8/00 EB2 NSC
RD:12-28-00 ND:01-08-01 LIN-01-073-54XXX Assigned to officer on 12-20-00 (??)

EB2: Other

Case Assigned to officer around 12-20-2001.
I just check this morning (1-2-2002) Still not approve yet ...

Hello n8y3m1
   I believe office might have gone for long vacation. I could not say anything otherthan "unlucky" Our cases are pretty one. I will update information as soon as I get it.
   I am planning to send copies of birth certificates since it is recently registered. I do not want waste another 2 months if I get RFE.
   Please post your updates if any