Aug case still pending. Talked to IIO. Want to contact senator


Registered Users (C)
My RD 8/24/00 ND 9/12/00 EB2 RIR. Talked to IIO and she said that it has not been assigned and it is taking them 15 months . Last time I talked they said it was moved on Oct 11 but hasn\'t heard anything since..No Idea what to do? Thinking of contacting senator office to get more information. Anybody else still waiting from August/Sep??

Could Anybody who has contacted the senator office let me know the process of doing so . How to approach the office and Is there a standard letter format. How can I find out the senator for my area. I\'m residing in the suburbs of chicago..

LIN 00 - 269

Two Illinois senators are Dick Durbin and Peter Fetzerald. You should find their address in the telephone directory. First call them and explain your situation. They will ask you to send a letter allowing them to check on your status. Write a letter to them with your LIN number, company\'s name etc. It could help.

I had contacted congressman\'s office. It didn\'t help much as it was back in September. I called INS last week and the lady told me that it is with the examiner. I hope it is.

LIN 00 269
LIN-00-220-yyyy , ND July 26, still waiting, no RFE

so have patience.....
00-242 Still waiting, NO RFE, Case with officer one month ago

Now it\'s pending again with an officer, don\'t know how
long the ordial will ends.
Question for LIN 00 waiters

Did any one of you apply for EAD/AP or anything else after filing for I-485 (i.e. not with the I-485 application, but after that), especially did any of you apply for your renewal EAD/AP within a few months before the time others with your RD/ND started getting approval.

which senator office?

Hi surf Sufari,

Thanks for the info.. Which senator\'s office did you talk to ? Any suggestions for contacting which office?
Will a visit to their office is required or just calling them and explaining the situtation will suffice..

thanks again
No Title

Rd 8/24/00 ND 9/12/00 EB2 RIR no RFE
I applied for my EAD/AP extension 3 months before mines was getting expiring which was aug 2000. Got my EAD/AP extension within 2 months but no news of I-485
No News Also

NSC, EB2, Other
LIN 00-268-XXX
RD 9/8/00 ND 9/26/00
FP 5/31/01 Detroit
Wondering if there is a pattern for 8/00 waiters

That is that those waiting with 8/00 RD (and earlier) applied for EAD or AP a few months before the time that approval for that RD time range was started by NSC and their file got put in a different spot from the rest of thier peers in the same RD date range.

What are the thoughts of others.. esp. those with RD 8/00 and around.
Can we ask our files be transferred to local?

It looks like a silly question.

But transferring to local is better than waiting forever without
knowing what\'s going on there at NSC.
Congressman\'s office, not senator\'s


Actually, I contacted local congressman\'s office in central illinois. First I called them and explained the situation. They asked for a signed letter so that they can check on my case. I mailed it to them and they got back to me in a week or so.
Could you please post the info when your case was assigned?

It\'s said that my case was taken by officer one month ago around mid Nov, now it\'s pending again. I\'m kind of suspecting that if it\'s has
been processed.

RD,ND:8/00, NSC, EB2
Exactly what seems to have happened to my case.....

RD - 08/25
ND - 09/13
LIN 257

No RFE - Still waiting for approval

I applied for EAD and AP few months before the expected approval of 485 as H1 was expiring....