Aug 2002


Registered Users (C)
On March 22 I called INS and asked for an inquiry . The LUD has changed after that

What does the Message below mean??
On March 25, 2005, we responded to your request for more information concerning your case. If you have not received our response within 30 days from this date, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.
It means what it says. They are sending you their response to the inquiry you made. If you did not make a specific inquiry yet, maybe their response could contain info about how you can make a formal inquiry. So tedious, I know, but that's just what the CIS is all about!
Samething Again & Again

I call USCIS on March 21st, 2005 and sent inquiry and on March 23rd 2005 LUD change saying samething.

But i do remember last time i sent inquiry back in Oct 2004 and LUD was same. When i recd letter from USCIS, only thing was mentioned that we need some more time to process your case. Nothing more than that.

So i've fear that this might be the same letter. Which does not help at all.
