Attorney says the FP Fax inquiry is useless.


Registered Users (C)
She said that sending a fax will not expedite issuance of FP notice.

Did anyone FAX such an inquiry and got a positive outcome?

Not at all

Hi there,

My attorney faxed an inquiry in may.The result was that we got a standard letter with check boxes and the one that says " case pending was crossed out" . Personally , I do not believe that you can influence the INS in the standard ways, the best way is to contact a senator

take care
It works

My lawyer sent the fax on Monday 08/14, There was a reply fax from INS that I can go for my FP on 08/25 and that a notice has been mailed. My lawyer rec\'d the courtesy copy on 08/18. I may be getting my copy in the mail today
Cannot disclose the name but.

They are hired by very large sized employers. They informed me that they have been advised by INS, not to waste time in such FAXes.

Bottomline, they are not cooperative :(

How long does it take to get back from fax inquiry??

Do you know how long it takes to hear from CSC after faxing in the inquiry? Thank you.
Rajababu\'s Experience

My lawyer faxed FP inquiry for me and my wife on july30. We received a letter for my wife from INS on Aug.6. Nothing for me so far. The letter says that the application is pending and an FP appt. will be scheduled in future(No timeframe)
No Title

The same thing happened to me except that I did the fax inquiry myself, INS replied with a letter addressed to my wife, same time frame. It did mention that I should wait for 4 to 6 weeks for a schedule..
Received response in 2 working days

My lawyer faxed the inquiry on Friday Aug 17th. Got response on Monday Aug 20th. The response said that FP has been scheduled at San Jose INS on Aug 31th at 9 AM and the notice has been sent out on July 11th. I never received the notice mailed on July 11th. So I took the fax response to San Jose INS on Story Rd. They allowed me to do the FP based on the faxed response on Aug 21th (10 days before the schedule).
Also the Attorney\'s signature is mandatory on the fax inquiry.
No Title

people who got FP notices with a fax enquiry- looks like they would\'ve got em anyway. it may have so happened that they faxed the enquiry while FP notice is on its way... and it looked like a response to fax.

that can be verified if you knew their ND, and compared with others with ND around those dates.
No Title

Hi Architect,

 How long did you wait in San Jose INS before you got chance to talk to the officer and took finger print? Did you need to go there very early, take a number and wait on the line for several hours? Thanks in advance.
hello Chinkoy

what is the fax number did you use?
what is your RD, ND & WAC?
thank you
San Jose ASC

Finger printing is done in a small shop on Story road. I went there at 1:20 PM and was out in an hour.
Finger Printing at a different location - help requested.

Guys n Gals,

I have a Finger Printing appt in the west coast. currently i live in the east coast and i was wondering whether i could go for FP in one of the ASC\'s in east coast. I heard from someone that if you do FP in east, the FP is transferred over to Vermont Service Center and if you do in west, it\'s transferred over to California Service Center.

Does anyone have any experience in doing FP at a different ASC that comes under the jurisdiction of a different INS office (other than the one where his/her I-485 filed at)?

Any info is appreciated.
It does work! at least for my case.

Just got an e-mail from my lawyer saying they have received a fax from INS saying I might been scheduled in late Sept. -- about one week (less than two weeks) after sending the fax inquiry.

RD 04/03 RD 04/17 WAC-01-160-XXXXX
Last Name Y__
No Title

Hi Ahoy Yu ,

When did your lawyer sent the fax and the date he got the information back. This will help us how much time do they take to send a response to a fax query.
