Attorney Attitude!!!!


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Hello friends,
       Yesterday I went to meet my attorney w.r.t. the interview we have on 16th. Well, it was an experience of it\'s own kind! I am not putting this here to discourage any of you, just to tell you such attorneys and even worse exist!!!!
       Me and my wife went to consult her about what would be the questions, how to tackle our case ( using AC21 or by saying I will go back to sponsoring employer etc etc). She was very rude right from the beginning, and was behaving in a manner which made me think if she was issuing us the AC! She went on and on as to how our case was TOTALLY useless and that we had NO chances of getting an adjustment done. The worst part came then - when she realized(so late!!!) I had worked on and AD and had used PA to go out of country she told me I was OUT OF STATUS since the day I started using my AD and was working illegally since then till now! And that I had no VALID status!WOW! Then, she said I needed a waiver. But again, she told me since I had no close relative I wouldn\'t be eligible for that and maybe INS would put a 3 to 10 year bar on me!
         For a moment, I felt, did I go wrong somewhere? Was my decision to switch employers to support ourselves in a very bad time a wrong one? She drilled us so much and drained us so much emotionally that my wife just left halfway and I stayed there to listen to the reason behind all this - they want me to file a NEW H1 with my current company so that these so called law keepers can make some bucks!
        Please tell me friends, what should I do? I have to take her with us to the interview - no other go. I cannot change my attorney at this time. am determined to try out whatever happens. My only hope is a miracle......
         Could anyone please tell me where I could find documentation for the adjusted status? Maybe I can take a print out and show that to her.

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Shrini100, first of all, best of luck, worst case, you may not get get GC, but that is not end of the life.
Now coming back to the question, I dont know your complete details but I guess that you changed jobs after 180 days of filing 485, and used EAD of old employer even after switching. What I heard is that this is legal, since any way you were eligible to get an EAD with new guy. Again I am not an attorney. I suggest you get an appointment with a nice attorney, say for an Hr, $200 or so, take all the paperwork and get the professional opinion. If your current attorney is expecting some money in some form, say new H1 or anything, give it because she can make your life miserable, I am sure at some point of the GC process, something get manipulated and she can bring that up to INS even though I doubt so because that will affect her professional career.
Best of luck once again and dont think twice about few 100$ to get things done.
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Shrini,from your mail I can\'t see any details as to how you went out of status (as per ur attorney). I also feel that U are not sure about the fact if U maintained yr status while switching jobs. If U waited for 180 after applying for I1485 then U are fine. Even otherwise, there are ways attorney can patch up things. If U personally feel that U are OKay in the light of new AC21 regulations then just go ahead and face the interview. I agree with U, most of the attorneys try to fleece yr skin and find ways to make money out of you because our cases are their products to sell and make their livelihood. Tell your wife not to worry much about this. Everything will be Okay.
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Go ahead and face the interview with all your documents,
do not believe your Attorney, If you really feel like taking one take someone else.
GOOD luck ,god will help you
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Good luck to you. If you think your attorney might even jeopardise your case, don\'t take her. The interview might be just a simple one. Hope for the best. Don\'t get discouraged by your attorney. You can always find ways to get her after the GC.
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Hey srini,

Don\'t worry man!!! even I had bad experiences with these kind of attorneys. She must be trying to scare the hell out of you to get some more money. Go a head and attend the interview by your own or go with some other attorney. Also take copies of "AC21 law". It could help you!!! I wish you all the best.
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Once you filed ur 485, there is no question u r \'out of status\'. Also, if u have worked on EAD with the new company (I guess u filled up I-9 form), u r absolutely okay.

Now the question is, if u have switched before 180 days, u might, not definite, have trouble getting 485 approved. I\'m sure u\'ll find a bunch of postings per \'job change before 180days\' and can act accordingly. Otherwise, I do not see any problems at all.
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I guess you are better off without this attorney .
Better consult some other reputed lawyers and show
all the docs and help them prepare for your interview .
You may be spending 200$ approx but is all worth it .

Take the new regulations with you and possibly avoid taking
her . Since you have switched jobs afetr 180 days , you are
fine here and not out of status .

Good Luck !!!!

P.S If possible publish the details of this attorney so that
    others can avoid her .
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By reading this people get a misconception that if you change jobs
before 180 days you are out of status. Nothing is further that the
truth!!! If you have your valid EAD you are in status. Job change
does NOT affect that.
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Thank you very much folks for all your emotional and moral support at this hour of need. I\'ll keep you posted about my interview on Monday, 7/16/01.

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acutally..even if you are out of status, you should be able to just pay a fine ($1000 or something) and get your GC.
This should not be that big of a deal.
Ask your lawyer about paying that fine and getting through.
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If you switched after 180 days, you\'re fine. if you switched before 180 days, then did you get a new I-140? If not, then get yourself a new I-140 and go for the interview. Otherwise, you might be in trouble.

Also, I\'d recommend you \'pay\' another lawyer for 1-2 hours and consult him/her regarding your case.

Finally, I\'d recommend you send a formal written complaint to the Immigration Attorney Association (I think it\'s called IALA) and send copies to the lawyer, to the local news papers, etc., and clearly state how several folks you communicate with over this board complain about the shoddy treatment handed out by immigration lawyers despite the fact that you\'re paying for them.
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If you were in the United States on 12/31/00, you should be able to take advantage of 245(i). You will still be eligible for adjustment of status in the States even if you are out of status.

Second, you are not out of status even if you switched company within 180 days after you filed your I-485. As long as your I-485 is pending, you are in status. Besides, EB Green Card application is for a future job, not current.

Third, do find another attorney and get a second opinion. It\'s possible that your current attorney is right. But equally possible she could be wrong. Since your interview is next Monday. I guess it\'s too late.

Good luck.
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Hi Shrini100,

Don\'t worry about what your attorney said...just keep that
off of your mind...I know it\'s easier said than done...but,
please try...

Now, coming to your situation...go with the letter given by
the Sponsoring Employer. As for paystubs, take the ones from
the present employer. The EAD you have is not a restrictive allows you to work, working for the
new employer is not illegal. Yes, you may have changed jobs
in less than 180 days...but, my advise is, do NOT mention this
info voluntarily...but, do NOT lie if the officer asked a specific
question about need not volunteer information...

Ask your Attorney to keep her mouth shut, unless there is a dire
need to open a representative of the Sponsoring Employer
her only and needed help will come in to the picture if and when
the INS officer asks about the Sponsoring Employer\'s intentions
to hire you after you got the GC (even though the Sponsoring Employer
gave you the letter, that question may come up...and the Attorney
might be of help here)...the Attorney may also help argue that
GC is for a future job...

Please tell the Attorney NOT to ruin your case, by starting
unnecessary discussions and by volunteering any information...

Although GC is for a future job, the officer may be concerned
about the fact that the Sponsoring Employer isn\'t the one who
is paying you now...that is where we might need to hammer home
the point that the Sponsoring Employer is indeed in a position
to hire you when once you get your GC (or sometime after you
got your GC)...

Yes, you have reason to be concerned...but, don\'t be nervous when
you go to the confident...the one thing many of
the folks on this board will agree to is that INS as inefficient
as it is in terms of adjudicating the cases, they are not out there
to make you their next victim...they certainly will try and help...
all of them are not bad...

Don\'t worry about status confident and answer to the
question asked...

I am sure you will come out with a smiling face!

Best Wishes,
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Hai Srini,

If you have switched after 180 days, and worked on EAD evenafter crossing 6 year H1 term, you are not out of status. Your lawyer seems to be some dumb headed. Do not worry! Good Luck.
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Thank you all for your kind support.

Our cases were approved yesterday after successulf simple interview.
I\'ve posted this on another thread.
shrini100 "With God\'s Grace, Arlington Interview Case approved - Shrini100" 7/17/01 12:11pm

Once again my heartily thanks to each and everyone,
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Shrini...who is this attorney? Please can atleast avoid going to her.
Please give the name if you dont mind,