Attached file is a 485 RFE Traker


Checked online status at 1:45 p.m. ET and found no update. Checked again after fifteen minutes and found that our cases are approved :D . Approval email came at around 2:10 p.m.

It took 6 days for NSC to approve the case after receiving my response to RFE.

I pray for early approval for all those who are still waiting.

Attached is updated spreadsheet.
Hi ,
I checked my status all morning but there was no chnage. Came back from lunch and saw that both my and my spouse cases have been approved. I updated the exel sheet.

what does LUD change suggest, i responded to RFE and it was received 2 days back, I saw LUD chg today?

pls throw light

Got back after luch and receive approval notice for my wife and myself. Looks like NSC has quite a few approvals today. I wish you all get approvals soon.
My 2 cent of info

INS sent me the RFE by mail, i do not know what it is about but i update the tracker.

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My RFE details in the attachment spreadsheet

CIS received REF respond in 1/25, LUD (1/25,1/27,1/28 -only for me & my wife but not for kids-)
My question;
last LUD was for my wife and me but not for my two kinds, does that mean anything? Anyone has similar situation ?

BTW this is a very interesting thread. Good job everybody and thank you
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From the excel sheet, looks like most of the cases remaining are retrogression cases.
I have similar situation. LUD for me and my wifre changed on 20/21/24/27 but for my Son, it is just 01/20(they received our response on 1/20). I have no clue what it means!! Hope for the best.
Thanks for the your respond. I hope your next LUD would be the approval
lets keep each other posted
Today there was a new LUD (1/31) for my wife and myself but not for kids
Here is my info in the spreadsheet, the LUD chages are for both myself and spouse.

Thank you
Its now very certain that the retrogression has been implemented.So people who are in this category like me do not waste your time expecting to see any change as I did for the last few weeks.