Atlast Approved . 11/01 case. I have some issues could some please help me out


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Atlast Approved . 11/01 case. I have some issues could someone please help me out

I have changed my userid after getting approved. This is my 85th post.
I got my I-485 courtesy approval notice for me, wife and daughter on 24th. Case was approved on May 19th. With this we got stamped in our passports by visiting our local service center.

My issue is my lawyer called me and informed that my case got approved and he received the original approval notice. He send that to the account department to dispatch it to me. But account dept noticed that my company has not paid the lawyer fees of 2200 dollars. Only if me or my company pays for it they will send the original notice to me. My company told me while processing the greencard six years back they will pay for everything. But after I-485 application they asked me to pay for EAD, AP and lawyer fees for those. I want to quit this company now because of the trouble they have given me for the past 4 years. If I ask them to pay the lawyer fees they are asking for a commitment which I don't want to do.

Now guys tell me
1). Do I need the I-485 original approval notice in future for any purpose. (Lawyer is saying without which you cannot get stamped, but I already got stamped).
2). I don't want to pay this amount to the lawyer, because earlier my company promised they will pay for it, which they didn't. Now If I quit this company without paying the lawyer fees, whether my company or lawyer can do anything in future.

Please let me know.
I-485 RD 09/01
I-485 ND 11/01

This forum was supportive when I was very much frustrated and depressed. I thank you all in this forum for being so helpful.

I wish everyone should get approved faster like other service centers.

Thankyou all.
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If the invoice is addressed to company then lawyer can only sue company and not you. Keep the copy of invoice with you so that in case lawyer turns back and issues to you, you can ask for the explanation. Remember, lawyer has all the resources to send notices and get on your a--.

It is up to you to see how you would like to depart from this company. You can put your point forward and remind them about their committment. If they listen, it is good.
This is my view.

From my point of view, i would state that you would always want to get your Originals (Specially for I 485)

You never know when u might need it.

If i was you, i would settle half way with lawyer and company.

Lawyer knows he has no use of your notice.

So he would welcome any good settlement. Try to get it down to half of the amount owed.

Talk to your company and settle some amount that they would like to pay, so this way you might be able to settle the issue with $500 or so.

We all are waiting for that great day when we can have our I 485s. I dont know about others, but for me, it means a world (in many ways). And i would go any lengths to get that original.

The original is yours. And you should have it. Thats my call on this issue.

Request for a copy from USCIS

You can always request a copy for yourself from USCIS. You can say that the original notice was lost. I'm sure not having the original will not harm you from getting your card. And you already have your passport stamped.
Who signed the contract to retain this attorney? If the company did so, then you do not need to worry about it. The lawyer will go after the company. Also, if the invoice is addressed to the company, then the company is responsible for the payment. In any case, you got your passport(s) stamped. You will get you GC in the mail. Why do you need the original?? May be for keep sake??? Call the USCIS directly and see if they can send you another original copy. Go and treat yourself nicely with the $2K.
I don't know if I am missing anything. But I don't think that there is any use with the original notice at this point because he is already approved and the passports are stamped. So the lawyer has a little bit less leverage.

But in the same vein, I think AtlastApproved should settle with the company and the lawyer so that there are no loose ends. Ultimately even if the company doesn't pay, the lawyer can sue both the company and AtlastApproved for his fee and court costs. If you look at it in any way, the company and the employee will have to ultimately pay for the lawyer services. I wouldn't advise you to walk away without resolving the issue.

My 2 Cents. BTW, I am a novice so please do take my advise with a pinch of salt.

I appreciate all your thoughts guys. Thanks
Lawyer sent me the invoice. Invoice is marked to my company's name as client and their address, and it is ATTN: to my company's HR, my name is only marked in alien column. My company was supposed to pay back in 2001. My company had paid $500 as advance initially and they didn't pay the rest till now.

Now he is not my company lawyer anymore, he used to be till 2002 beginning. They have a different lawyer now. What are the other possible problems he or my company may impose.
If your company had a agreement with the law firm regarding your immigration service, your company has obligation to pay for it. If not, the law firm will chase after you.

I think it's really a personal style. If you are the one who never bothers any disturbing call or letter, walk away. Otherwise, pay it and leave your current employer.

Good luck.

This is what I would do.

Contact lawyer and tell that it is the company that is sponsoring your GC and had promised to pay for your GC. That, you will persuade company to pay for his fees. This way you get his confidence and you are in his good books. Laywer will then go after company. Company may come back to you but meanwhile you are out and have already joined new company.

During this process, casually mention to lawyer that you already stamped PP and have received Plastic Card. At that point he will know the true value of that paper and will be ready to settle for less.

At that point you can ask your company to settle for 50% and 50% from your pocket.

Ethically, remember that somebody worked for you so the person needs to get paid.
Last four years just because of Green card neither my pay was increased nor I was given bonuses. Everytime I was told that they are sponsoring for Green card so no bonus or pay hike. Right now they changed the policy and not sponsoring for Green card without some agreement. Apart from this, for labour, I-140 and I-485 apart from me signing the application papers and sending it to the lawyer, my company HR signed in the sponsorship form.
Only for EAD and AP(Which I paid from my pocket) lawyer got signatures from me and not from my company. Lawyer knows my company is sponsoring for GC and he also knows that I sent personal checks for EAD and AP.

Now he called and said ask your company to pay for GC expenses. So far I have not told neither the company nor the lawyer that I got stamped in the passport. What should I do now? I should buy some time till I get my Plastic card and then quit. Any suggestions....
Move cautiously and play safe. Plastic Card is on its way and can not be stopped by lawyer or company. Start looking for a new job. Lawyer will definitely get back to you and company for money. You do your job of informing company and let company decide. There will be back and forth arguments between company and lawyer. After that lawyer will come back to you and only you. You have to politely refer him to company. Do not speak any more words just tell lawyer that you will talk to company again.

Eventually, you will get plastic card and then a new job. Do not threaten your company that you are leaving becasue of prior problems. You do not need to burn bridges. You never know that you may have to get back to them for some reason. Also, prospective employers call previous company and may reject you if your record is tarnished.

Try to be as calm as possible but do not misuse your upper hand. Refer to my earlier opinion.

And last, do not take my advise and act according to your gut feeling.
I agree with LongGC that do not burn bridges since IT is a small world and you never know when you need your old company for any reason. Also its a wait and see game for you, wait for your plastic and professinally tell your lawyer that you should not pay for this or try to cut a deal as it was advise before.

Remember, they can never sue you or have collection agency deal with this and also you don't need orignials now and never in future unless you want them as souvenir.

LongGC I hope and pray that you get your freedom soon. I feel for you man.

Good luck to everyone.

Card received 5/08/04
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