Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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How about the idea to get congressman to help us?


Since most of us are stuck while other new applications are approved very fast, can we ask some senate or house representatives to help us? The logic in ATL DOL is not fair.

you are absolutely right on this point and on our frustation due to approval of other cases in such a short duration. Does any one know how to take steps for approaching to senator for these issues, if so please come forward and lets chnage the ATL DOL word.
I talked to my HR and my case is approved.

Case No: 04408XXX
Received by GA SESA : 18th Jan 2003
Approved by GA SESA: 6th June 2003
Approved Atlanta Federal Labor: 9th Oct 2003.

Good luck for the guys still waiting
Seems like GA SESA is forwarding all the cases with LRP (limited review processing), coz most of the case that ATL DOL approved for this year's recvd date are from GA SESA.
This is what i heard from GA SESA, all those applications which are approved by GA SESA after june are remaining at state itself and their federal approval is handled by couple of Federal Labor Dept employees with assistance from state labor dept. That is the reason why mine is approved even though few of my peers who applied for labor in 2001 still waiting.
Its Working

I just checked it, its working.........
One of my collegue got approval.
His case was remanded to employer and was submitted back to Atlanat DOL on October 15th and was certfied on October 25th

aksmks, u r right, it is working now. Could you let us know what was your collegue' original received date at ATL DOL with DOT code.

Also for what reason it was remanded to employer and what your collegue has replied? aapreciate if you can answer these queries.

Original Received Date : October 17th 2002
DOT code:189.117-030

It was remanded to employer under the clause "Insufficent Advertisement" on 22nd August. My company advertised again for 1 month on ineternet and submitted the result on 15th October.

I hope this helps


Could you please share following information:

Job Description: Software engg/Marketing...
Job Requirements: BS/MS + number of years exp.
Job Location :
Company Size and past Layoff:
First of all I want to clearify.......this case is not mine. It is one of my collegues who works in the same company. I am not sure job description or job requirement. Our's is a medium size company with no lay off's till date.

P.S. I think you can find about Job Description from DOT code

Whats wrong with AVM now days. It doen't work during day and starts working after 5PM. Did anyone checked successfully?

Any Dec approvals?
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