Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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email works

Thanks for your information. I also tried the email and it worked.
My case was sent to Atlanta Regional office on Feb.18,2003. Nothing yet.
Singh244 and others,

I updated Singh244 cases into tracker excel sheet, please update by yourself and then upload next time.


Here is the detail of my case. I have updated the excel spreadsheet as well.

Name mhsoor
DOT Code 030.062-010
DOT Desc Software Engineer
Category RIR
SESA RD 11/29/2001
USDOL RD 03/10/2003
Status Pending

Good Luck guys.

Very nice MHSOOR.

Appreciate your update and hope that you all will keep this tracker.xls alive on this board.

updated lc_tracker.xls

Prosix, the file is too big to upload. Please delete the pulldown function. it does not allow me to upload.

I have updated the excel sheet to exclude pulldown selection. Now the filesize is only 17KB.

Hope this will help other Guys to upload easily. Thanks ATL01!!!

I am very excited that lot of people are downloading and viewing this LC_tracker.xls file to see what is happening at ATL DOL.

Again requesting, if you have update on your case or you know any other case progress, PLEASE update this file and upload to help others here.


uploaded successfully

finally, I uploaded my information.

I also sort the file based on DOL receipt date.
Thanks ATL02, Good work. Now it is sorted based on RD and we can get meaningfull information from this.

Email system response is too old for my request

Hi Guys
I got the following response from Auto email, seems to be too old

1. Received Regional Office: 12/13/2000
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/03/2001.
2. Received Regional Office: 12/11/2000
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 04/05/2001.
3.Received Regional Office: 01/23/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 05/14/2001.
4. Received Regional Office: 02/26/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 06/07/2001.
5. Received Regional Office: 03/28/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 07/27/2001.
6. Received Regional Office: 03/28/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 07/27/2001.
7. Received Regional Office: 04/12/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 08/03/2001.
8. Received Regional Office: 04/12/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 08/03/2001.
9. Received Regional Office: 04/12/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 08/03/2001.
10. Received Regional Office: 06/04/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 08/14/2001

What should I do now, how can I get the latest info

Another interesting thing


When I send an email, I got the reply, but when I try through AVM, it says tax id can't be located..

I have used same tax id in email and AVM

prosix, what is the procedure to save the file

i was able to edit it , but couldnt save and upload it.

Gcnowhere 's update

Hey Prosix,
Good job with the spereadsheet
That is really helpful...keep up the good work...
I checked the AVM and i found that
04391700 to 04391708 were either approved or NOF.
from there on most of the cases were not worked on...
That case worker seems to have done some work...
Looks like evryone else is sleeping :eek:

My labor approved

RD: 7/8/2002
Approval Date: 1st week, March 2003
Programmer analyst

I wish you all will get soon

Right click on the LC_TRACKER.XLS file, then select "save target as". Then save it on your hard drive and update/insert cases. Then you can upload it by clicking on post reply and then go to the bottom and select Browse.

i was able to edit it , but couldnt save and upload it.

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