Atlanta N 400

Soul_fh said:
Congrats Jitender! Thought Atlanta was was one of the few places with same day Oaths? What were the civic questions and how many?

Thanks, Jitender.

Several people I know who had their interviews/oaths in Atlanta within the last year, all had their oath ceremonies on days other than their interview dates. All were called within 1 month of their interviews. I do not know of any case of the same day interview/oath, but I have read about them on the web. Maybe that was pre-9/11.

I was asked 6 Civics questions all from the list of 100. Same with my wife.

My questions were:

What month is the President inaugurated?
Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence?
Who is the Governor of Georgia?
What is the national anthem?
Which was the first holiday celebrated by the settlers?
Who is called the "father of our nation"?

My wife's 6 questions, also from the published 100, were similarly simple. She was not asked to name the 13 original colonies either?
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Deepali_1 said:
could you please tell me from where you got the court dispositions for speeding citations. Do we need to get these only if we received speeding tickets?

PD Oct 2003
FP Nov 2003
Interview June 2004

If you have stated on N-400 that you had a speeding ticket, then it is imperative that you obtain the court dispositions asap. The address of the Municipal Court is on the speeding ticket where you have been summoned to appear. If your court date is after your interview date, see if you can somehow speed the process. In my case, I got the dispositions, with court seals, without any cost. I suggest you go there personally and not use mail. Normally, they will give them to you immediately.

You must list all traffic violations for which you have been cited i.e. for which you have been given a written notice. If the citations occured after you sent your N-400, have the court dispositions ready. You may or may not be asked about them. If you are asked, tell the truth.

Non-possession of the court papers will delay your proceedings, and in the worst case, deny your application.
gans123 said:
Hi Deepali,

Could you post your exact PD, FP dates and when did you get the interview letter. I am in the same timeframe and awaiting interview letter. Thanks.

My PD is Sept 25th and FP is Nov 13th. I received interview notice 1 week ago.

My wife and I received our Oath Notices today from TSC.

My Atlanta timeline:

Application: 8-29-2003
Fingerprint: 10-18-2003
Interview: 5-10-2004
Oath: 6-23-2004

Just under 10 months from Application
Just over 8 months from Fingerprint
Interview letter

My friend received the interview letter that says "Naturalization Initial Interview notice". Is this the normal wording because the word "Initial" implies this may not be the final one.
gans123 said:
My friend received the interview letter that says "Naturalization Initial Interview notice". Is this the normal wording because the word "Initial" implies this may not be the final one.

My letter said the same thing and I had similar concern. Looks like this is the text they use for everybody, so don't panic.
gans123 said:
My friend received the interview letter that says "Naturalization Initial Interview notice". Is this the normal wording because the word "Initial" implies this may not be the final one.

In most cases, the Initial Interview is also the Final Interview. However, were you to fail the interview for any reason (lack of English, lack of Civics knowledge, or missing documents), your application will be "continued" and you will be given opportunity for subsequent interview/s.
I attended interview at Atlanta office today.

My husband and I had our interviews today.

Here is the entire list of documents I carried to the interview:
1. Passport
2. GC
3. Driver's license
4. SSN card
5. Utility bill
6. Marriage cert
7. Pay stubs
8. Tax returns
9. Driving record
10. Criminal history report
11. Previous H1s.

The officer asked me to give my GC and asked few questions about my N400 application...
1. What us our middle name?
2. What is your aAddress, phone#, DOB & SSN.
4. What is your husband's first name
5. Did you change your name after marriage?
6. Where do you work?
7. Did you go to India after applying for citizenship? I went to India after I applied for the citizenship. He made me fill the details about it in application form.
8. He asked me if I was ever arrested, got any speeding tickets, did drugs etc.

He then asked me few history questions...
1. What do the stars in the flag represent? What color are the stars?
2. What are the 3 branches of the government?
3. Who is the commander in chief of the marine core?
4. When did we get independence?
5. What is the highest part of the judiciary branch?
5. What are the duties of the supreme court?
6. What special group advises the president?

Finally he said that I passed the interview and wrote 'C' (for congratulations I guess) on the file. He said that they are currently doing same day oath and asked me if I am interested in taking the oath today. I told him that I am planning to go to India in 3 weeks and want to postpone the oath ceremony. He said that he will mail the oath letter in a month or two.

The entire process took about 20 minutes.
Deepali_1 said:
He said that they are currently doing same day oath and asked me if I am interested in taking the oath today. I told him that I am planning to go to India in 3 weeks and want to postpone the oath ceremony. He said that he will mail the oath letter in a month or two.

I'll be d......! What on earth was your reason for not taking the oath today? Worried about travel documents?

Please let us know, Thanks.
Oath Ceremony in Atlanta

Today, my wife and I participated in a cheerful oath ceremony along with another 75 new citizens from 42 countries and their guests.

We arrived at 7:50 a,m, for 8:00 a.m. appointment and lined up to present our oath letters, having duly completed the back of it, and our green cards to an officer. She gave us a seat number to occupy. While we were in line, another officer gave us all our Certificates to inspect for accuracy, which we gave back with our oath letter.

When all 77 of us were seated, an officer reminded us of our rights to vote and to apply for passports for us and our minor children. Then, another officer gave an inspiring lecture followed by administration of the oath and swearing of the pledge to the flag. This was followed by a video of President congratulating us and then a treat of a beautiful patriotic song with beautiful images of the USA. We were then individually called and presented with our Certificates.

The ceremony was concluded at 9:20 a.m.

We, along with our son, then headed for the Post Office and submitted our Passport Applications. We were home by 12:00 p.m.

Good luck to you all. It took nearly 10 months since my application, but it all went smoothly. I wish yours proceed smoothly too.

Our Atlanta timeline:

Application: 8-29-2003
Fingerprint: 10-18-2003
Interview: 5-10-2004
Oath: 6-23-2004

Just under 10 months from Application
Just over 8 months from Fingerprint
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Atlanta N400 Intevrview and Oath

Is the Atlanta office still doing interviews and oath ceremonies the same day? My interview is on Nov 29, would be ideal to have the oath ceremony the same day. Any recent experiences in this regard?

And can I apply for US passport the same day or do I need to wait for any reason?
