Asylum wait time after the interview


Registered Users (C)

IMe and my wife had an asylum interview in Rosedale, NY office in June 7th '05. The officer told us that we'll get an answer in the mail.

Almost 3 months now, and no answer. Our lawyer sent her a fax about few weeks ago asking to make a decision - still no answer. It's little frustrating, since I know for a fact that they process it very fast now. (A friend of mine got an approval in two weeks).

Could anyone share their timing of approval after the interview? Also, if person is in status, they cannot deny him right away, they have to first send "an intent of denial"?
I've also heard that they now send EAD cards along with the approval letter - may be that's why it's taking longer?
Thank you very much.
Understaffed and Incompetent

One of the reasons could be that your background check is taking time
The Rosedale office never replies to faxes/calls/letters; they are understaffed and incompetent!
I got an officer who could hardly speak a work of English, she issued an intent to deny 2 weeks later (she had distorted every single word I said in her report)
My lawyer issued a complaint against her and asked the quality assurance director for my case to be reviewed or that I get a second interview with a supervisor present.
The quality assurance director said we would get an answer in June, the changed it to July and I am still waiting...
When you are still in status, they wait for your status to expire before denying you asylum and referring your case to court
It is one of their many schemes...