asylum seeker/refugee emmigrating to usa/canada


New Member
hi, all!:) I'm newbie here. I've been browsing the site for a while and its been very informative, however, I have a few questions;
As an asulum seeker liiving in the UK, are the eligibility requirement different from those of someone applying for permanent visa as a citizen of the place they are applying from? How does being an asylum seeker affect an application?

I have a diploma in complementary medicine, (which I understand offers up very little opportunities, though steadily rising), but I do not have any official experience due to never having been granted permission to work:( :mad: (one of the reasons wh I'm wanting to break away ffromn the familiar).

so what are my chances of being approved for any type of immigration visa. What is the best visa for me to apply for?

Please advise. thanks:)

p.s; i have family who were granted refugee status because our cases were dealt with seperately. what would the process be for them?
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