Asylum interview very SOON


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Hi Folks,
My asylum interview is scheduled next week in Kansas City, MO.
I'm getting stressed as the interview date approach. Please, can you tell me a sample of question they may ask me? how long it takes? is my family member will have interview at the same time as me? they interview too my children 16, 15, 13 of age?
They told me "if you are are not speaking english fluentely, bring your translator", is fluently means "native american speaking?", can I ask the oficer to repeat the question again or speak slowly?
That are my problem now. Thank you
can you tell me a sample of question they may ask me?
All the questions from I-589.
how long it takes?
Around one hour.
is my family member will have interview at the same time as me? they interview too my children 16, 15, 13 of age?
It will be decided by the AO.
They told me "if you are are not speaking english fluentely, bring your translator", is fluently means "native american speaking?"
No, even broken English can work as long as AO can understand it.
can I ask the oficer to repeat the question again or speak slowly?
Yes, you can.

Good luck.
good luck

Just be honest, if you're not confident about your english get an interpreter, read your asylum story several times and make sure you know in detail all dates, incidents, etc
Look the IO to his/her eyes, express why you should be granted asylum.
I't gonna be okay, my interview took about 30 minutes, I spoke some english back then but I decided to take an interpreter with me and it helped a lot, it gave me time to understand the questions asked by the IO.
Answer only what they ask, do not volunteer any information.
It's gonna be ok...let us know

Thanks guys,
I come from a french country, do you know an interpreter for free?

If you know someone that speak very good english and french, bring that person to the interview...
I remembered in 2000, I was asked to pay usd 150 for a an interpreter, I was so broke....I couldnt afford it..
Hi Folks,
My asylum interview is scheduled next week in Kansas City, MO.
I'm getting stressed as the interview date approach. Please, can you tell me a sample of question they may ask me? how long it takes? is my family member will have interview at the same time as me? they interview too my children 16, 15, 13 of age?
They told me "if you are are not speaking english fluentely, bring your translator", is fluently means "native american speaking?", can I ask the oficer to repeat the question again or speak slowly?
That are my problem now. Thank you

This documenary movie on will give you a sample of questions they ask.
Here is the link for the movie
Please tell me, can I ask for asylum for mental persecution an torture? wat can I do if the AO tell me "your case is refered to Asylum juge?" and in what case may I have this kind of answer?

Documents of evidence

Can you tell me, If during the interviwe I realize I should show a proof of evidence for the fear, ca I send it later?

Hi everybody,
I've done my Interview. The AO was so nice to my family. At the end of my interview (took almost 2 hours because we are 5 to interview) he told me: You will receive the notification by mail.
But until now I didn't receive any mail. I almost close to the 150 Days.
Praise the Lord. I'm still waiting.

NOID Letter

Just be honest, if you're not confident about your english get an interpreter, read your asylum story several times and make sure you know in detail all dates, incidents, etc
Look the IO to his/her eyes, express why you should be granted asylum.
I't gonna be okay, my interview took about 30 minutes, I spoke some english back then but I decided to take an interpreter with me and it helped a lot, it gave me time to understand the questions asked by the IO.
Answer only what they ask, do not volunteer any information.
It's gonna be ok...let us know


Dear all of you,
I applied for an I-589 Asylum on 03/20/10. I did everything, and I got yesterday the NOID arguing that I failed to meet the modified Mogharrabi test for well foundedness. I am in status now (F2). They give me 16 days to provide rebuttal. Do you think, even I give the rebuttal they grant me asylum? if I do not respond the NOID what is the consequence in my immigration backgroung? but if I do, and they don't grant me asylum what happen to?
My case is really complicated because I don't have supporting documents for my fear of persecution with me. I left my country to set up the study of my wife and kids here, and just few month later I heard a kind of persecution on my behalf. So, I didn't come back to my home country and applied for asylum.
Can you please give me an advice for that? I have just 16 days to respond.
If you know pro bono lawyer here in Kansas, please tell me.

Honestly Razaf most of the time an NOID is just a formality and they will deny your asylum request anyways unless your rebuttal is so compelling. You can wait until you fall out of status and re-apply and in this case you will have an opportunity to re-apply in court.
Thank you vampireroam and assylum. I tryed to ask for a Pro Bono attorney but they didn't answer me. I don't have money to pay lawyer. I am an unemployment husband of F1 student.
May I have more chance to appear in court instead of having the BIA treating my case? In my opinion I think that people in status have few chance to be granted asylum because they are in status so they already getting protected.