Asylum Brief from Attorney not Required


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Please I want someone with experience to help me out here. During the end of my asylum interview my attorney told the AO that she was going to send a detailed brief supporting my claim to his office. The AO told my attorney not to worry in sending any brief. We also ask him to listen to a threatening voice message that was left on my home phone during the interview process he said NO but acknowledge that he listened to the one I sent earlier to his office.

Does this mean that he has enough evidence to make his judgment or he doesn't think the brief from my attorney and the second voice message are necessary to influence his judgment?

Many thanks for your contribution.
I need help here! Could someone with expertise help me navigate my thinking on the earlier question:

During the end of my asylum interview my attorney told the AO that she was going to send a detailed brief supporting my claim to his office. The AO told my attorney not to worry in sending any brief. We also ask him to listen to a threatening voice message that was left on my home phone during the interview process he said NO but acknowledge that he listened to the one I sent earlier to his office.

Does this mean that he has enough evidence to make his judgment or he doesn't think the brief from my attorney and the second voice message are necessary to influence his judgment?

Many thanks for your contribution.
The best answer is U DON'T KNOW!
AO make up their own mind after what he or she wants to see or hear and too much hard sell and push don't work. So I'd ask u to wait for decision