Asylum application

Thank you guys so much for your concern!!! I just want to get past the master hearing and by the time the individual hearing is scheduled I will definitively have some money saved for an attorney, and hopefully I will be able to apply for EAD after 150 days. I am just worried to get past the master hearing, and I wish to get more detailed information about what will happen at the hearing so I am more prepared
Yeah, I am very pleased to see that the asylee community cares one another. Most of the colleagues have pledged their support to help Artan. However, I feel that Artan for whatever reason is not ready to hire a lawyer. Therefore, since most of the colleagues have offered the advice to Artan I suggest that we now turn to prayer for Artan. If you guys have other suggestions please post.

Even though I work, go to one of the best Universities of the US and don’t have any worry about any legal problem, still I feel lacking many things including citizenship. Therefore, I can imagine the pain and uncertainty that someone whose asylum application is at stake is going through.

Artan take your time, and stand firm. All the asylee community is with you. Please let know if you want to hire a lawyer, we will try if we can be of helpful to you. Particularly, You count on me if you need help.. Good luck with your application, and let us know how it goes….
Luckywife said:
I-765 is for Employment Authorization, isn't it? I think you will get it anyway.
I have friends whose court hearings lasted for like 2 years and they still had work authorization for that time.

I agrre with lucky wife. I had an a friend, he was about 2 years in removal hearings. got his work permition anyway.
My advise is use a lawyer. The chance to get removed is very high without him. That friend got his case approved and I followed it closely, so just friendly advise: hire a lawyer.
Good luck!
Today my master hearing was rescheduled for august 23 2006, and judge told me that I was eligible to apply for EAD 150 days after initial filing.
I wanna thank you guys so much for your support to help me get through this!!!!
Artan, what do you mean rescheduled? Do you mean he scheduled your individual? Obviously you made an appearance today! Tell us what they told you!!!!!!!!
The judge rescheduled my master hearing for august 23 2006. Even though I requested from him to proceed on my own, he told me to get an attorney and appear on Aug 23. I just told the prosecutor that I wish to proceed with asylum and no questions were asked regarding my case, except the information from the initial I-589 application. He also told me that I was eligible to apply for the EAD when the 150 days has passed. Thanks so much for your help guys!!!!
I'm on !!!

faysal said:
Anakara How did you know the nationality of Artran.

Any ways I think this is the first kind of a case I have met on this forum. As most of the members pointed out without attorney is risky. This has been repeated many times. Mr. Artan told us in advance that she/he does not have money. I think this is the time we show unity as asylees. The cost to hire lawyer is about $1000. Let us set up an account for our colleague, and try to help him financially. If for example we ask him his address and each member of us sends him about $50 dollar in money order, I think we can help him hire lawyer.

Faysal, that's very nice & thoughtful. I'm with you my brother. If Artan needs I would be more than happy to share my part.
