asylee IS refugee!


Registered Users (C)
does anyone of you girls and guys have heard (or did...) about any initiative to end this ridiculous asylee vs. refugee differentiation? one cannot be asylee if it is not under the definition of a refugee but anyway we are being adjucating under different rules, i.e. discriminating? should we try to change this?

moreover, this RTD (again, we are “asylees” but are entitled to “refugee travel document” why not, “asylee travel document”) thing is out of control. for a document that has validity of one year we have to wait more than 50% of that time!? what about travelers, business people, sportists, journalists, filmmakers, or just “normal” people who need to travel often and unrestricted by an unfair and stupid stipulation of a discriminating law?

should we try to do something? after all, this is America :)))
We can do something!

Even though it may take same time, but I agree we need to do something, and even if it does not happen before most of us here get their GCs, we can set the precedence and prevent other asylees from having to go through this hell.

We can get some volunteers here, and come up with plans (draft some letters, way of contacting local reps, etc...) to address the issues of refugee vs. asylee/travel restrictions. Then, all of us can fire those letters to their local reps. and politicians, AILF, etc...

I think it's time that we do something, instead of just sit here and discuss our miserable situation. We are good citizens and taxpayers, and we should be treated accordingly!
ok, let us try :)))

I believe that we should start and should try to write a letter and a draft proposition for the current asylee vs. refugee and RTD status change. it is clear if our status is "indefinite" acording to the I-94 and asylum approval letter that there is no reasons whatsoever to restrict the validity of RTD. on maybe even more important thing is that difference in adjucating asylee and refugee’s application for the GC. this makes no sense whatsoever. ergo, MHO is that small awareness campaign should take place. first here, by proposed letter and proposed change.
There is logic to distinguish asylee from refugee in adjustment of status.

There is no number limit in granting asylum while there is limit in admitting refugee. Refugees have to get the number before they come to the U.S.

There is no reason to delay asylee adjustment. But refugees are with no better treatment.
Let's open the door...

O.k., Let's open the door for volunteers, and for those who would like the group to speak on their behalf. Then we will formulate a plan and will have someone to act as the official administrator of the group (representing the group).

1. hatari999
2. baianolindo
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
This issue involves law update by the congress. The new immigration will be out soon. It is the time for us to take some actions. AILA is a good representative for us if AILA wants to do so.
add me in..iwill support whatever u need help creation..anything else...I also work for the U.S Government so if thats helpful in any way...
Ok, guys, let us try to agree on few issues. May I propose that our first "action" should be changing the validity of refugee travel document from one year to "indefinite" as is our status in I-94s? At least this concerns both refugees and asyless (under current distinction). So, let us try to, at the bottom at each and every post, include the list of people willing to participate (volunteers, co-signers of final proposals, etc.) like "bringslite" did and I repeated here. Ergo, every new participant should sign her or his name if wish to. Moreover, let us make a list of people to whom we should address our concerns once when we are ready. So everyone’s research, idea or even contact will be welcomed.

After all this is America, the place of our choice :)))

To Whom It May Concern:
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of USCIS
(Need physical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, eveyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. ...
Y not make it a little professional..without having screennames like wantmygcard or hatari etc..have our First Names and Last initial and have signatures...

This isn't an email folks!

I agree w/having at least a first name/sig.
Here is Mr. Aguirre's physical address:

Eduardo Aguirre, Jr., Director
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536
baianolindo said:
Ok, guys, let us try to agree on few issues. May I propose that our first "action" should be changing the validity of refugee travel document from one year to "indefinite" as is our status in I-94s? At least this concerns both refugees and asyless (under current distinction). So, let us try to, at the bottom at each and every post, include the list of people willing to participate (volunteers, co-signers of final proposals, etc.) like "bringslite" did and I repeated here. Ergo, every new participant should sign her or his name if wish to. Moreover, let us make a list of people to whom we should address our concerns once when we are ready. So everyone’s research, idea or even contact will be welcomed.

After all this is America, the place of our choice :)))

To Whom It May Concern:
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of USCIS
(Need physical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, eveyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
Gebre said:
baianolindo said:
Ok, guys, let us try to agree on few issues. May I propose that our first "action" should be changing the validity of refugee travel document from one year to "indefinite" as is our status in I-94s? At least this concerns both refugees and asyless (under current distinction). So, let us try to, at the bottom at each and every post, include the list of people willing to participate (volunteers, co-signers of final proposals, etc.) like "bringslite" did and I repeated here. Ergo, every new participant should sign her or his name if wish to. Moreover, let us make a list of people to whom we should address our concerns once when we are ready. So everyone’s research, idea or even contact will be welcomed.

After all this is America, the place of our choice :)))

To Whom It May Concern:
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of USCIS
(Need physical address)

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, eveyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre

You can count me in.

The only issue is that we should be more specific about the expiraton date of the RTD. I don't think "indefinately" make sense. Since the RTD contains limited pages, you can easyly used up all the available page in two or three years. In addition, no regular passport will have an indefinately date on thier passport.

progress with our petition

:) thank you all for participating so far...

maybe we should discuss our approach to the draft letter. should we include "great" quotes like Declaration of Independence ("We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal..."), Universal Declaration for Human Rights (Article 13 (2) "Everyone has the right to leave any country..."), Ninth Amendmen etc.?

few links for your consideration: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCISBureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommitee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, eveyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman L.)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
cchong said:
You can count me in.

The only issue is that we should be more specific about the expiraton date of the RTD. I don't think "indefinately" make sense. Since the RTD contains limited pages, you can easyly used up all the available page in two or three years. In addition, no regular passport will have an indefinately date on thier passport.


Hello folks:

count me in please

After being toyed for years by the INS blockhead bureaucrats, I, as one of u, can hardly wait to take just ANY action against 'em. I want to strike them hard. On the other hand, let's be careful not to over-do it, it may hurt our chance of winning.

I agree with cchong one the valid date issue. 3-5 years sounds more reasonable than indef. Take a look at what the candian gov deals travel doc for their refugees at't they a nicer goverment!

hmmm,,, anyone noticed that this Feb when ALIF won the lawsuit and the judge called INS a "national embrassment", few or say none of the big news network ever metioned it. So, shall we send a copy of our petition to CNN , NBC,, or Micheal Moore... etc too?


One of u
Bravo Online Soldiers!

Ladies and gents:

I am very happy and glad that we are being proactive about this. I wholeheartedly support the initiative. As I mentioned in my prior communications, we should address the concern to the Director (Aguirre) first and make it clear in no uncertain terms that we are serious and if need be, we will take this issue to court! Period!

My thought is that our letter should be to the Director first (with a copy to the General Counsel at the same address). We will have put him and the agency on notice. I am afraid I have little confidence on any Congressional action now. Furthermore, the issue does not need new legislation. It just needs administrative action.

These are my suggestions for the letter:

Our clear and reasonable demands:

1. process RTD applications in an expedited process (within one to three months of application receipt); and

2. as suggested in this thread, the validity of RTDs should be for a three to five year terms.

These are no brainer demands. Why do we demand these? Because:

1. the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution gives us the right to freedom of movement free from unreasonable restrictions and to earn a livelihood, if our means of earning a livelihood entails international travel; and

2. the United States has treaty obligations to afford reasonable travel documents (within a reasonable time) under the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.

If Baianolindo or bringslite want to get started with a draft letter, I will be happy to chip in to help in the process. We can even set up a conference or conference call to iron out issues. But we need signatures! And lots of them!

If we need to take this to the court, I promise to do my utmost to garner support from law firms and other groups.

One last thing: we have to mature and grow up! We are not going to write a letter and sue the INS with nicknames like TortFeasor (FYI: under the common law this means, a "wrong-doer"). So when we sign that letter we should put our "John Hanckocks", as he did when rebelling against British tyranny! I will sign my whole name.

Add me to that list! (See below)

baianolindo said:
:) thank you all for participating so far...

maybe we should discuss our approach to the draft letter. should we include "great" quotes like Declaration of Independence ("We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal..."), Universal Declaration for Human Rights (Article 13 (2) "Everyone has the right to leave any country..."), Ninth Amendmen etc.?

few links for your consideration: - Declaration of Independence Universal Declaration of Human Rights INA Sec. 101(a)(42) definition of refugee

To Whom It May Concern:
(please include everyone you think may be relevant for this purpose, comments or inside info about already chosen, critics, whatsoever...)
Eduardo Aguirre, Director of
USCISBureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Saxby Chambliss, Chairman
United States Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommitee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Cc: Edward M. Kennedy, Ranking Democrat is member also.

OUR Participants:
(who do not wish to be included may just remove her or his nick and, of course, eveyone who'd like to participate, please include your nick here...)
1. hatari999
2. baianolindo (Roman L.)
3. asluser
4. karina
5. bringslite
6. Gebre
7. TortFeasor (Dan W.)
Sign Me Up

Its Ridiculous That One Has To Renew Yearly A Document That Only Lasts Almost As Long As It Takes To Apply For One.

Its Impossible To Be Able To Afford Work That Requires Intl Travel