Asylee GC holder and marriage


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Does anybody know what process a GC holder (GC based on Asylum status) goes through after marrying a citizen? I was wondering if I will be able to change my GC from asylum based to marriage based so I can travel back COP with my husband when ever I want to. Anything I need to be aware of before getting married in terms of immigration processes? Thank you! :)
It is doable, but be aware that before approving your green card-marriage based, USCIS will first revoke your initial Green Card-Asylum based.
Good Luck.
Oh, really?!:( I feel secure having a GC in my pocket and don't want to give it back to the uscis... Probably, it will take forever to get new one
Does anybody know what process a GC holder (GC based on Asylum status) goes through after marrying a citizen? I was wondering if I will be able to change my GC from asylum based to marriage based so I can travel back COP with my husband when ever I want to. Anything I need to be aware of before getting married in terms of immigration processes? Thank you! :)

You can not change the category of you GC by just filling a form and expecting to keep the same dates and benefits. Your current GC have to be cancelled first, then your US citizen husband will have to petition you and you will first receive a conditional GC for 2 years, then after that if the marriage still exist you will get a permanent GC.

If you end up divorce before you get your permanent card you will have no status. I think is too much of a risk. Be happy for what you have and wait till your citizenship. You can apply early for citizenship with the GC you have based on/and after a 3 year marriage to a US citizen.

As a personal opinion... You want to change the category of you GC so you can go back to your COP??? Was there ever fear of persecution in your case? Did you have a legit case?? Have the situation in your COP changed?? Too many questions comes up to my mind when I read your reasons to "change" the category of your GC.
If I have a real fear of persecution, with either a GC based on asylum or marriage I wouldnt go back to my COP, UNLESS, the conditions of my country changed. AND, if the conditions of my country changed, then there is NO LAW in the US soil that prohibits a GC holder based on asylum to visit his/her COP.
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Does anybody know what process a GC holder (GC based on Asylum status) goes through after marrying a citizen? I was wondering if I will be able to change my GC from asylum based to marriage based so I can travel back COP with my husband when ever I want to. Anything I need to be aware of before getting married in terms of immigration processes? Thank you! :)

You would be an idiot to go through the process of marriage-based gc. You already have your GC so just chill. If you stay married to your husband for 3 years, you can apply for U.S Citizenship as long your hubby was a u.s citizen for at least 3 years too.

Also if you do give up your current gc, your GC would have to be revaluated based on your husband/wife of a u.s citizen. After 2 years, you would be interviewed and no need for you to go through since you already have a gc.

If you want to go to COP for a visit with your current GC. There is nothing to worry about!! If the COP conditions have changed, no one will give you trouble as long as you have a valid reason.
Does anybody know what process a GC holder (GC based on Asylum status) goes through after marrying a citizen? I was wondering if I will be able to change my GC from asylum based to marriage based so I can travel back COP with my husband when ever I want to. Anything I need to be aware of before getting married in terms of immigration processes? Thank you! :)

Marrying a US citizen won't do any good or bad for you. Normally, if a greendcard holder is married to a US, the GHolder is elligible fo apply for citizenship within three years. In your case, without any marriage to UC, you will be able to become a US citizen on your own. Therefore, unless you marrying out of love, marriage to US citizen is in vain as regards to deriving an immigration benefit....good luck....As far as switching from asylum to marriage based greencard, you first cancel your greencard. Once you cancel it, you must file a new greencard based on your marriage. It is possible that you may be deported in the time between when you cancel your greencard and before you apply the new one. This could be a day or two or a week you might be out of status. Once you file the paper work for the new greencard, your case won't go through the process as FBI and other securities will pay special attention to you because you abondaned a greencard and looking for another one. If everything works well, you will get your greencard in 2011. and then it is conditional. you will be at mercy of your USC who sponsered you. will be better of staying in your current status...good luck
Marrying a US citizen won't do any good or bad for you. Normally, if a greendcard holder is married to a US, the GHolder is elligible fo apply for citizenship within three years. In your case, without any marriage to UC, you will be able to become a US citizen on your own. Therefore, unless you marrying out of love, marriage to US citizen is in vain as regards to deriving an immigration benefit....good luck....As far as switching from asylum to marriage based greencard, you first cancel your greencard. Once you cancel it, you must file a new greencard based on your marriage. It is possible that you may be deported in the time between when you cancel your greencard and before you apply the new one. This could be a day or two or a week you might be out of status. Once you file the paper work for the new greencard, your case won't go through the process as FBI and other securities will pay special attention to you because you abondaned a greencard and looking for another one. If everything works well, you will get your greencard in 2011. and then it is conditional. you will be at mercy of your USC who sponsered you. will be better of staying in your current status...good luck

Deported?? I dont think you are deported when you give up your GC. What happens is you give your GC in an embassy overseas when you are ready to get a spousal visa.
Deported?? I dont think you are deported when you give up your GC. What happens is you give your GC in an embassy overseas when you are ready to get a spousal visa.

Yes, I do not think USCIS will allow you to give up your green card here in the US because in essence you will be out of status. That is why you can only give up your GC abroad. There is a special form to fill out if you want to relinquish your permanent residency.