Asylee adjustment INS Statistics


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Check this out:,0122-FY2000.pdf and,0122-FY1999.pdf
The number of cases actuallu approved for adjustment was less than the 10,000 quota: 7,548 in FY 1998; 3357 in FY 1999 and 6858 in 2000 Table 1 of FY 2000 report).
INS provides a non convincing explanation in pages 3 and 4 of FY 1999 Report.
In summary, they are not approving 10,000 adjustments per year, but will improve the process in FY 2001!!.
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This is outrageous. There is a such huge backlog and they didn\'t use up the quota. Only 3 thousand something?
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Yes it is. INS only approve 17,763 applications during FY 1998, 1999 and 2000 when they were authorized to approve 30,000 (10,000 per year). Really discouraging!!
should we be able to sue INS for this?

I hope the current case against INS from the Association of Immigration Lawyer should add this new evidence of mis-demeanor!!!
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What\'s the status of the lawsuit? Are they negotiating? I think we should ask ALIF about it.
waiting years


I saw there are 87,000 asylee are waiing for adjustment. every year qoata is 10,000, then how many years are you need waiting even INS will reach 10,000 limit. oh, my god!

I wrote an email to AILF asking them about the status of the lawsuit. I also wrote to Senator Feinstein and Boxer, and my House representative.

I don\'t know if I\'ll get any feedback but there is nothing to lose.
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Good Tim. I have insisted on this several times. I will also send faxes to my Congressperson, regarding these reports from INS
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Yes,.. oh my god!! Pleae see the discussion "we have to write our Congressperson!!", and others related. We need to do something!!
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They were authorized and supposed to approve 10,000 per year, but only approved 7548 in FY 1998; 3357 in FY 1999; and 6858 in FY 2000.
Do something

I think we have to do something. In 99 they adjusted less than 4000 people. This is ridiculous.
Write to your Congressperson

Is what we can individually do right now. Explain our problem, ask them to support Bills to eliminate or raise the 10,000 quota like HR1560 or S1311. Please read discussions already posted regarding this. Thanks
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What is the point of eliminating or raising quota if INS did not even fill the existing one? Obviously INS uses quota as excuse for their incompetence. Congress should do something to force INS to WORK reliably. INS is completely out of control.
Did the INS approve any asylees at all?

I just found out that in late 1998 Congress passed a law exempting certain Iraqi nationals from the 10,000 limit. Presumably their applications were processed in 99 and 00. If that were case and unless they were listed under the "other" category in the report, then the number of completed regular asylee adjustments is actually smaller than the already anemic ones being reported.

Oh, God.

The INS excuse of medical/fingerprint delays is absurd. They have several years to get these done.
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Even if they approve 10,000 per year that is not enough for the current backlog. So, the point is not only to make INS work, but also eliminate their excuse.
If you read the discussion "Check this out. Asylum adjustment for FY 2002" and the memo recently posted by INS, you will notice that INS is publicly admitting that the quota was not properly administered during the last years and, they are making a public compromise to solve the problem.
Also, if you check INS statistics for years prior to 1998, you will realize that they were approving 10,000 per year (10037 in 1996; 10106 in 1997; and about the same for the previous years) so they had things under control and are able to keep under control.
This problem was generated during FY 98, and continued in FY 99 and 2000, and most likely 2001 also.
Please read discussion "we have to write our congressperson!!", INS reorganization is in the top of the agenda and could come with changes in legislation to facilitate INS complete their work efficiently; this is why I believe we should contact our congressperson, explain our problem and insist with changes in legislation and a more efficient work from INS as well.

Could some guy here post their letter to Congress man? thanks! Then we will copy and send it out!