Asset and cash transfer Hello , I am on process of visa interview immigration (PR) on F4 of bangladesh . I do have several businesses , assets and


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Hello ,
I am on process of US visa interview immigration (PR) on F4 from bangladesh . I do have several businesses , assets and cash valued 1m. 200k cash and other assets.i like to bring 100k with my first landing ( 6 month or more) , rest gradually later .
How can I declared my assets and cash to US irs for taxable purposes.
How can I bring the cash in usa, our bank does not allow overseas transactions . Can I carry the limited cash .
So how can I declared my assets in bangladesh to USCIS / irs / customs which is taxed here already assets as don't have to pay tax again.
You won’t be taxed just for bringing assets to US. You will be taxed on any income /asset sales that occur after you get a green card, though you may benefit from the offshore exclusion and/or any double tax treaty with Bangladesh.
The exchange control issues are something you will need to consult with local financial advisors on.
US law allows you to bring any amount of cash in but you must declare at customs any amount over $10k and be able to show source of funds.