Article: Immigration Services chief tackles benefits backlog


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Immigration Services chief tackles benefits backlog

Eduardo Aguirre, director of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, says that the “day of reckoning” has arrived, and that he’s taken the first steps toward reducing a massive and long-standing backlog of immigration benefits applications.


Aguirre said that his main priority is to reach the goal—set by President Bush—to reduce wait times on immigration benefit applications to no more than 6 months by the end of 2006.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. The article says the wait will be only 6 months by the end of 2006.
Don't bother to read that article - it has nothing to do with us.

Read Kafka's Process instead. That book will show you that bureaucracy never changes and once you're in the system, there's no easy way out.
By that time, a lot of the jobs are offshored, especially for IT, and the current backlogs will be reduced since some of the applicants couldn't hang on that long. And the number of new applications are very very low. No wonder they can achieve that.
Great news

So I will get my GC not later than June 31, 2007.

Well I am not sure if that's realy great, but - hey - there is hope.
If you click the link to the report, you can make comments to the story.
Why don't we all make a comment just like we did in the petition?
The magazine might forward all our complaints to Mr. Aguirre and hopefully he'll do something about it.

just a thought..
This article holds no weight. 2006 is so far off, and plus Bush said all immigration backlogs will be reduced to 6 months ..

yea right.
Just email the writer of the article, hope you can do similiar thing

Dear Shawn Zeller,

Thank you for writing the article, "Immigration Services chief tackles benefits backlog", on August 5.

I have a vague memory, President Bush was targeting to reduce the backlogs in 6 months till end of 2004. The fact is that backlogs incresed one year more during his administration. And now, Eduardo Aguirre is talking end of 2006. How to explain the whole scenario? Would you please make more follow-up work to further report the issue? The following is just a nice remind: Don't be fooled by them.

Thank you.

My name

I tried to find something on the web ( see below) looks like President Bush had a five year program to reduce backlog that starts in 2004.

May be this interprets that they will start reducing the backlog starting in 2004 NOT Really achiving the target by end of 2004. :rolleyes:

my 2 cents ....

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Currently, an immigrant's application to become a citizen takes a year or more to process. It can take up to 4 years or even longer to process applications for permanent residency.

"Many hardworking, tax-paying immigrants struggle to understand an increasingly complex immigration system that seems to thwart people's efforts to become U.S. citizens," continued Yanni.

The President promised to spend $100 million a year for 5 years to achieve a 6-month application processing time. However, in the current FY 2004 budget not even this minimal amount of money is set aside to meet this important goal.

The backlog is so long that an estimated 5 million people have been forced to wait years to have their immigration applications approved or rejected by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
FYI: nice reply

I got nice, short and soon reply from Shawn Zeller, the writer of the article. The following is what he/she said.

I am very sympathetic to the plight of immigrants waiting in these long lines. These backlogs are a longstanding and unfortunate problem, and I do intend to report on them further.

You can contact Eduardo Aguirre, the new head of the BCIS using the following address.

Eduardo Aguirre, Jr
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536
Trust me, most of us on this forum has neither will nor paitence to write for a JUST CAUSE.

If BCIS shell have these 485 cases pending indefinitely, most of us would just wait and DO NOTHING.
