Article: Democrats attack immigration, Republicans tout Hispanic gains

we are totally missing the point!
The thing that they are talking about is the 'mexican' wall jumpers ..not the EB based immigrants!
At the expense of being called all '' i will still say this: America does need the mexican immigrants to do all the tough field jobs which very few americans take up ..while these EB based immigrants are a threat to the american's jobs!
What ever one fels, this is the truth and we are already dealing with it!
So dont expect any sort of help for these EB immigrants processing!

Not in the near future!
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Friends, The most important thing here is vote. The hispanic population is big enough for the politicins to take note.

Otherwise, I don't think there is any controversy that American economy benefits from immigrant engineers and other immigrant professionals.

Also, hispanics also compete for manufacturing jobs and stuff with Americans.
Well said linuxrox!

Amongst all the whining and crying in this forum, I am happy there are sane and practical persons still hanging around.
I am a eb 1 ea waiting for my I485 approval and I am hispanic. I visit this forum daily and I enjoy it a lot. I am getting familiar with different cultures through the forum and I noticed that several of you are from indian origin, I am fascinated by the inteligence and tenacity of all you guys but your comments about hispanics turned me off a little .We are pretty much in the same boat. You call hispanics wall jumpers I am not of mexican background but you are familiar that the wall was jumped the other way around last century and americans took most of the southwestern states. So history makes facts and statements somewhat relative. Who knows what history will tell a century from now. I believe that all work has dignity. I know many hispanics and they are all hardworking fellows.
But anyway I just wanted to point that as long as we see each other as "enemies" or obstacles in our immigration stuggle we miss the point and make all of us weaker.
best regards to all of you in this forum.

wac 03
nd 10-02
Originally posted by caracu
I am a eb 1 ea waiting for my I485 approval and I am hispanic. I visit this forum daily and I enjoy it a lot. I am getting familiar with different cultures through the forum and I noticed that several of you are from indian origin, I am fascinated by the inteligence and tenacity of all you guys but your comments about hispanics turned me off a little .We are pretty much in the same boat. You call hispanics wall jumpers I am not of mexican background but you are familiar that the wall was jumped the other way around last century and americans took most of the southwestern states. So history makes facts and statements somewhat relative. Who knows what history will tell a century from now. I believe that all work has dignity. I know many hispanics and they are all hardworking fellows.
But anyway I just wanted to point that as long as we see each other as "enemies" or obstacles in our immigration stuggle we miss the point and make all of us weaker.
best regards to all of you in this forum.

wac 03
nd 10-02

Good post and well said.

Let's not hurt the feeling of any community. The root cause of the problem is we do not have political representation. Hispanics have political representation and their needs are taken care. Chinese also have very good representation in American politics.
caracu, I am Indian, and I feel many hardworking hispanics, legal or illegal are in a situation much worse than we all are. I feel, what they are going through every single day, working in construction or roads or fields, they are exposed to much higher risks, for much lesser money than we are. So I do have a soft spot for everyone suffering due to BCIS, but, hey I still want some fairness in the system.
I am sorry if i was mis-understood intention was only to point out the fact that the immigration system here tries to put far more emphasis in 'legalising' many illegal immigrants from Mexico who are helpful to this country in the construction and many other such tough sectors which americans wont prefer to work in. And thats the reason the govt here tries to go out of their way in helping them, as they *ARE* needed for this country's economic growth!

For very legal non-immigrants (in fields like IT) who are in the immigration boat the current system has no mercy. they dont exist ..if the green card does happen to some of them, it is fortuitous! thats how the system here works, as far as i have observed.
My intention was never to hurt anyone. (I should have used the word folks from mexico and not hispanics ..i withdrew that).

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If the US goverment really like immigrants then they might as well issue permanent residence before entering the country just like Germany, but here they like bonded labor.
Originally posted by caracu
You call hispanics wall jumpers I am not of mexican background but you are familiar that the wall was jumped the other way around last century and americans took most of the southwestern states. So history makes facts and statements somewhat relative. Who knows what history will tell a century from now.

Are we talking about ‘Reconquista’?