Arrest records expunged - no court certified docs - Citizenship Interview


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Guys, I could use your experience/ thoughts on this one.

I was arrested and found not guilty for second degree assault (bar fight) in 2009. My lawyer immediately filed the form to have the records expunged. I disclosed it in my N400. I called the court and they said that they cannot provide certified records because I was found not guilty and had records expunged. So, they offered to place an MD stamp on my deposition print out (stating reason and outcome). I sent this along with my form including the original copy of my expungement confirmation form the court. The stamp is not a raised seal but an ink stamp with the court name. But the more I read the more I feel the IO will find these unsatifactory.

I will be going for my interview in Baltimore if that makes any difference.

Please let me know what your experience or thoughts are on this. Do IOs from MD know the unavailability of Certified Documents after expungement?

Many thanks in advance for your help.
Guys, I could use your experience/ thoughts on this one.

I was arrested and found not guilty for second degree assault (bar fight) in 2009. My lawyer immediately filed the form to have the records expunged. I disclosed it in my N400. I called the court and they said that they cannot provide certified records because I was found not guilty and had records expunged. So, they offered to place an MD stamp on my deposition print out (stating reason and outcome). I sent this along with my form including the original copy of my expungement confirmation form the court. The stamp is not a raised seal but an ink stamp with the court name. But the more I read the more I feel the IO will find these unsatifactory.

I will be going for my interview in Baltimore if that makes any difference.

Please let me know what your experience or thoughts are on this. Do IOs from MD know the unavailability of Certified Documents after expungement?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

It appears that you have submitted all that there is available to submit. IF you are dealing with the Baltimore USCIS Office (or one nearby) they may be aware of these procedures already. No need to worry until there is an actual reason to worry.
I would take what you have. I know there are guidelines the IO has to follow but it seems from others post and my experience it sometimes depends on the IO.

I had one traffic ticket which I paid and had documentation, I also had extensive travels, I took my passport and what documentation I could fine on the travels.

Got to the interview and the IO breezed over these two areas did not ask for one piece of documentation, did not even look at my passport.

The funny thing is, he look at the application and said I see you are married, are you still married? I said yes and he ask for my marriage certificate, even though I was not applying based on marriage and this was not one of the documents they requesting, but I had it with me anyway.