ARN123/NSC5YEar any Comments on \'AILA says my case is in Transit Group\'!!


Registered Users (C)
I checked that arn123 posted discussion before his approval that he talke to IIO and
they say you case in transit state ? Question : How long it take to get approval once your case is
in Transit State ? Because According to my attoreny around 90-120 days ?

RD:OCT\'2000. I-140 Approved in CSC not for CP..//

You have 1 more week to go (most likely)

I got mine approved within a week when I heard it went to a "Intransit" state but I got this info from IIO not from AILA. So, you can expect to hear something next wed/thursday. Good Luck

One More Question?

I also received the Call from Senator and Congressman Regarding
this that my case is in Transit State Because they are also
following my case. According Senator Office I have to wait another
Three Weeks but AILA says 90-120 Days, if not, sooner..//
My question what was time period you have between non-tranist
and Tranist period inqury.//
Till Feb 21st I was told

that my case was moved to the distribution area on Jan 11th and i was after that INS requested the I140 transfered from Madras. It happened on Jan 18th. WHen I called the IIO on FEb 15th she didn\'t say anothing about the "In Transit " state. But, wHen I called on Feb 22nd (Friday) I was told that both the cases(mine/my wife) have been moved to "In Transit" state which means it was being transfered from the lower level of the building to the upper floor where it gets assigned to an officer. I was also told to wait for 2 weeks but I was checking the status (AVM) daily from Feb 25th. I heard the good news on Feb 27th (wednesday) night that the cases have been approved on 27th. I received the Notice on Mar 4th by mail. Hope this helps!!!.

Question for arn123

How did you know the exact date of the INS request for I140 from the consulate, and the day it happened? From the IIO? Or some other place?
From Madras US consulate

IIO never told me about the I140 transfer from at all. AFter learning from NVC that my case was transfered to Madras on Aug 28 2000, I called Madras and found out the I140 was requested by Ins on Jan 12th (around that date) and the case was transfered to INS on Jan 18th 2002 but the system got update on Jan 21st 2002. Hope this helps.

Thanks Arn123

Thanks for the info.
Is the number to call Madras 9144 8112060?
Also, between Aug 20, 2000 and Jan 12, 2002, did you check periodically to find out when INS requested I140 from Madras? Did you call Madras or some place else for this? I am not certain the AVM @ NSC gives this information. Does it?
Again, thanks for putting out your experience of the process.

iI dont remember the number

but u can get the phone number by calling nvc, thats how I got it. I came to know that my I140 was approved for CP only by end of Jan 2002 after reading a msg put out by Sevgan99. THis trigered me to contact the NVC, Madras consulate etc...
