Arlington Stamping?


Registered Users (C)
Did anyone go for stamping @ Arlington INS?? If so please share your experience. I know the line is usually VERY long, but how is the stamping itself?

what do you mean?

I am not sure what you\'re asking. However, I\'ll answer what i think you might be asking... if you take everything that\'s listed on your approval notice, the stamping really only takes 5 -15 mins max. It\'s quite smooth. Please refer to previous posts (about 2-3 days) back for further individual experiences
More Ino ???

zambia "Approved and Stamped ND 11/22/00" 10/4/01 8:21am

I think it will help you.
Got passport stamped today 11/14/01 at Arlington

Reached INS at 6.30 am and came out 11 am. The actual staming process took only 5 minutes. went with courtecy copies only. Good luck guys.