Are we Immigrants paid fairly ?


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,
 As many people in this forum,I am waiting for my Greencard and in the final stages of the process.As i was arranging the documents this weekend I stumbled upon my last months paycheck .I live in Washington DC area.With around 6 years of experience with C, C++ ,unix , VB ,ASP and the other general software "immigrant" skills i have, the salary i get is 62000 US Dollars.
Dear Participants of this forum please post your view and comments about the salary details that i have just mentioned.
All the salary calculators that i went to tell a different story thought.
Am I paid fairly or Am I overreacting since I am an immigrant ?
You are underpaid !!

I really do not know what your priorities are - But I can certainly tell you that you are underpaid. I too am with similar background but am drawing a little bit more than you. However, I got an employer who takes decisions carefully and my company is managed well so that employees need not bear the burnt in the first hit itself. So, my priotity is having a stable job, so I do not concentrate on High Pay. Look 5000 bucks/Mo for 1 Year is greater or 10000 bucks/Mo for 2 Months/Year is greater ? So, Priotiry man Priotities in Life are more important than pay. For eg, I do not think you can enjoy even 10000/Month if you are under extreme pressure every day at your job - even office building will look like a battle field.
its same reange for mostly people here in US for MS also..

Now a days people are taking advantage of guys working on H1 in US speacially when your boss is desi. Because they know whats your problems are.
I know lots of people who get in range of 60k with MS degree and 5 years of exp.
There is less pressure on my current job though

And it si quite stable.But I guesss i can get a better paid job than this.But not very sure about the pressure dure to responsiblities that may rise from it
I agree with j2000

I have to agree.Even though I dont have a MS Degree but I do think 5+ years of experience should make a difference in salary.
I would say: More than fairly. Going by salaries, skill sets and value added of many I have seen, I

ric - as far as I know for immigrants the education doesn\'t matter a lot.

All foreign universities are treated equally here. So people from less known universities get advantage here.