Are there any negative affect on applying the citizenship after applying the unemployment benefit?

Frank Zhu

New Member
I have green card for about one year. I was laid off last week.
I want to apply the unemployment benefit. But I\'m wondering If there any negative effects for applying the U.S. citizenship later or there are any records on my credit report..

The other question I have is that I will travel abroad for three weeks next month, I\'m wondering if there are any problems for me to re-enter U.S. in the unemploymnet status (and also have a record for applying for unemployment benefit).

Thanks in advance.

What problem ???

Friend, You are a legal resident and future citizenship and collecting unemployemt has no connection. Lots of people are collecting umemployment after getting G.C also it will NOT affect your return to USA.
Thank. Are there any problem to re-enter USA after applying the unemploment benefit?

I\'m just a little bit worry about returning to USA since I thought there might be a problem if GC holder is umployed and also apply for umployment benefit when he/she return to USA. The immigration officer might think the person will be a burden of USA and revoke his/her G.C...
Got GC Recenly and Laid off!!Can i file NJ unemployment insurance?

We(me and my wife) got our GC recently through counsular processing.

After i came here i got laid off. I was working with indian
body shopper.

My wife is still in india and expected to come in july end.

My question is can i file for New Jersy Unemployement insurance?

If i will file unemployment will there be any
bad impact?
Will ins question my wife when she comes?

Pleas help!!!
Frank Zhu, check with local unemployment office

Frank Zhu:
last time I collected unemployment benefits, I was required to maintain my residence/physical presence in the local area, demonstrating I was putting in applications for work. If I left the area, I was expected to transfer the unemployment claim to the area I moved to.

Unemployment benefits are to cover the time between jobs while you are searching for job, not provide income during vacation. If you are traveling out of the US, I suspect you will be not eligible to receive unemployment benefits during those weeks. As GC holder, the penalties for applying for and recieving unemployment benefits during an overseas trip could be very severe (felony fraud!) check with local unemployment office and with both immigration and labor attorney BEFORE accepting unemployment benefits while you are out of the US.:eek: