Are there any electrical engineers ?


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My question is LC related but I thought people in this forum already had that stage and they can help me with their experience during LC stage. I really need your valuable feedback.

I am an EE major and currently my employer is in the process of applying for the LC ? But my impression is that they are not experienced with that kind of applications. For example I have to decide what journal to advertise the job, how many times the job has to be advertised, etc. I personally do not know the answer to thos questions either?

Therefore I would like to talk to people who already applied for the LC and share their experiences. I think this will be very useful. Anyones help, opinion will be greatly appreciated. I do not want to make mistake during the application process.
I am specialized in signal processing and time-frequency analysis. My job is to apply those techniques to Cardiovascular signals. I am involved in biomedical data analysis a lot. I need to tell my employer what journals we can choose to advertise the job.

Again, any opinion will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all