Are there any 485 Approval without Skin Test ?


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We did not do TB Skin test as doctor took X-ray on our medical. I heard there will be RFE for all who don't have skin test. I got RFE for other issues but not for skin test yet.
Is there anyone who had 485 approval without TB skin test ? Please, reply. I am worried about my case.
If your doctor filled the form correctly, It won't be a problem. I didn't have skin test either and only had x-ray. I didn't received any RFE.
did doctor write any expalnation why skin test is not needed ? In my case he did not write anything and put check mark on (Not Done: Skin Test). in X-ray checked on "Clear"
One my friends wife was pregnant at the time of 485 filing. She never gave TB test either skin test nor X ray. She got the approval along with her husbands in June itself.
It all depends upon the offcier who looks ur case
Good Luck
for rnepal418

Did you had your skin test prior to I-485 medical test? In that case the doctor would refuse to take another test.
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