Aprroved!!! AD: 11/30/01 RD 02/03/01 ND 02/12/01 China EB2

I love INS

Registered Users (C)
Laid off this May. Really upset. Found a similar job in 3 weeks. Now it\'s finally over. NO RFE. This is the result of my prayer everyday.

Spouse\'s case was approved on the same day.

Case number: EAC-01-101-5****

Pray for all waiters!


Congrats and one quick question

When did you do your FP? Have you sumbitted any employment letter to VSC when you did your FP? Thank you
Congrats and one question

Congrats !!!

When did your AVM changed to "received" ?

I have the same situation as yours and ND 02/15/01.
Still waiting......
Congraduations! One question

Congradulations, I know what you mean "upset". I have one question, did you use H1-b or EAD to switch job?

No Title

I used EAD to switch job. I knew it was risky, but I had no choices and did not want to spend $2000+ to get a new H-1.

Good Luck!
