
Spouse (primary applicant) also approved

A few hours ago the online status for my spouse also changed from RFE received to approved.

Thanks to all well-wishers, and the regulars of this forum. SillyMan -- what the heck are you still doing here ? :)
Passports stamped SFO 12/29

Hey all,

We went to stamp our passports yesterday, at the San Francisco office. The whole thing took 1 1/2 hours. Good luck to all still waiting.


Originally posted by BigFanOfBCIS
It is with utmost jubilation and excitement that I get to inform the esteemed co-immigrationportal-addicts that the coveted day finally arrived for me (regretfully, not for my spouse, who is actually the priamary applicant).

Our story:
Applied 10/23/01
FP 05/12/02 (both)
Second FP notices issued (both right after lawyers sent requests): around 10/01/03 and 10/15/03
Resumed: 10/17/03 and 10/28/03
RFE issued (to primary applicant): 11/01/03 (w2 and 1040 for 3 years, 3 paystubs, EVL)
RFE received 12/10/03
Approved 12/16/03 between 5pm and 7pm PST (dependant)
Primary : still says "RFE received"

I stopped visiting this forum regularly after we received the second FP notices -- before that my greatest fear was that our applications were shredded in the infamous incident and I was looking for clues on the general trend. Besides, Kashmir stopped posting his scan results to the lazy slobs like myself. I would like to thank everybody who reported on their progress (or lack of such). Regretfully, I will not get to vote in 2008 general elections, but at least now I can contribute to help take the monkey away from the red button.

