

Registered Users (C)
I just got the email that our I485 (mine, my spouse and two kids) are approved. What a relief!
I know that the whole process has been unfair sometimes (especially for us-2002 filers) but when it has a happy end nothing really matters. It is similar to baby delivery (women will understand me).
I wish everybody gets their approval soon, but especially you guys from 2002 that are still waiting. This forum means a lot for me!
Good luck!
I guess I have to find threads for stamping and infopass now.
ND June 1, 2002
FP Feb 18, 2005
AD March 21, 2005 :)
micaprasica said:
I just got the email that our I485 (mine, my spouse and two kids) are approved. What a relief!___________________

AD March 21, 2005 :)

A very special cake for you and family.

Today is a Lucky and blessed day for you and ur family, :D

You may not be aware of it that today is 21st March and a very special day called 'NAVROZ' begining of a year, springs begins, blessings happiness. :D

Happy GC to you and family :D

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        (( \|/                                                \|/ ))
        (([[HUGS]][[HUGS]][[HUGS]][[HUGS]][[HUGS]][[HUGS]][[HUGS]])) P.O.J

Good Luck
micaprasica congrats fellow 2002 filer!


This should spell good news for the other 2002 filers still waiting: Your turn will come soon.
Thank you guys for nice letters. :)
POJ, the cake is wonderful (maybe little be overbaked, but who cares now?!)! I know that today is the beginning of spring. And I hope it will be the beginning of my new life, with little bit less worries about our future!
I also know there are couples of you applied before me and still waiting. Your turn is just around the corner.
Good luck for everybody!!! I'll be around as many others who got approved.
There are still many things to do.
ND June 1, 2002
FP Feb 18, 2005
AD March 21, 2005 :)

Congratulations !, hope my case will be approved soon. I did FP on 9 Feb, 2005 in New Orleans.

I-485 ND July 5, 2002
micaprasica said:
I just got the email that our I485 (mine, my spouse and two kids) are approved. What a relief!
I know that the whole process has been unfair sometimes (especially for us-2002 filers) but when it has a happy end nothing really matters. It is similar to baby delivery (women will understand me).
I wish everybody gets their approval soon, but especially you guys from 2002 that are still waiting. This forum means a lot for me!
Good luck!
I guess I have to find threads for stamping and infopass now.
ND June 1, 2002
FP Feb 18, 2005
AD March 21, 2005 :)

Are you EB3? If so, what is your Priority Date?
Patel Kishan: I think micaprasica did his FP two times. This is the only difference from you guys (maybe lastminute too). Lastminute did his fp in New Orlean too but still waiting. Let's see what'll happen.

nd 7/10/02
fp 2/05
Ziri, I am waiting for the paper approval and passport stamp to get that drink but I will send you a bill for sure. Try to save some money in the meantime, it will be a large one.

shadyhtown, I am EB1.

Patel and Peter, I hope you will get your approvasl soon. Try to contact Bob Jindal office. The staff from his office contacted me. I was surprised but I finally realized that was the same person I spoke with when she was with Congressman Vitter who I contacted couple of months ago ( obviously without any positive results). She called me couple of days ago just to check what is going on with my case. She told me that all open cases from Vitter's office (he moved to Washington in January, good for him, but unfortunate for me) were transferred to Jindal's office. When I asked whether they will help me now she told me I have to wait, at least 2-3 months. Though, she called me the next day and said that my FP and name check were cleared. I do not know whether her inquire meant something. I also applied for advance parole last month ( I have a scheduled business trip out of USA) and got approved a week ago. Whether some of these things triggered the approval, I am not sure. I realize that many 2002 filers got approved recently.

Peter, I did FP only once, this February.

Good luck for all of you!
ND June 1, 2002
FP Feb 18, 2005
AD March 21, 2005

My congressman is not Bobby Jindal. I don't know his staff will help me or not. For me Senator John Broux was very help during I-140 stage which took INS 17 months to approve.

Do you have Bobby Jindal staff phone number and name.

I am hoping to get approval this week, if not I will initiate Congressnal enquiry through Senator office.

For FP there was trend in Feb, lots of my friends in New Orleans area got it together, including some folks in this board. I hope same trend will follow for approval.

