

Registered Users (C)
My turn to say APPROVED.

Priority date: 12/27/01
485 date: 4/11/2003
RFE: 1/8/2005 (EVL & submit documentation that I returned to US after making a border crossing trip to Canada as there was no reentry stamp)
Approved date: 2/18/2005

Great forum, referenced a lot of suggestions and had a lot of questions answered.

Good luck to all folks who are still waiting.
Congrats viking3966!

Could you let us know what proof you submitted to show return to US after Canada trip?

I wrote a letter explaining the 30 day rule when you can travel to canada and be back without having to get a rentry stamp or new I-94. Just to be on the safe side, I also attached my Health insurance EOB's and credit card statements showing expenses in Canada and US during that period.